新型コロナウイルスの影響 アメリカでは大量のじゃがいもが廃棄されているのにフードバンクでは車の大行列
People of America! I want to talk about two photos that tell the story of food in our country in this moment…two different, painful realities that we are experiencing, and the opportunity we must seize to make sure food is not the problem but the solution 1/ pic.twitter.com/LUUS4jcMgr— José Andrés (@chefjoseandres) April 30, 2020
The first is from Idaho. Huge mountains of potatoes without any buyers because so many of the forms in which we eat them – stadiums, cafeterias, restaurants – are shut down for safety an low demand, and so too are the processing plants. 2/ https://t.co/PeIMUXsjwm— José Andrés (@chefjoseandres) April 30, 2020
Next, thousands of cars in line for a food bank…in San Antonio, but could be anywhere in the country right now. With millions out of work and many visiting food banks for the first time, the system is totally overwhelmed and people are going hungry. 3/ https://t.co/yCwpSpiwcW— José Andrés (@chefjoseandres) April 30, 2020
But we need leadership from on top. Food leadership! We need @WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump @SpeakerPelosi @senatemajldr and all of Congress to make food and feeding Americans a priority. We need leadership from @USDA, @fema, and @NationalGuard, from governors and mayors too! 7/— José Andrés (@chefjoseandres) April 30, 2020
廃棄される食料が大量にあるのに、食料を必要としている人が大勢いるという問題を解決するため、アンドレさんはホワイトハウス、トランプ大統領、ナンシー・ペロシ米下院議長、ミッチ・マコーネル米上院多数党院内総務、米農務省(United States Department of Agriculture、USDA)、米連邦緊急事態管理庁(Federal Emergency Management Agency、FEMA)に対して、リーダーシップを発揮するよう求めています。
(執筆者: 6PAC)
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