TWITTER! What’s the best bullshit you’ve heard someone come out with?I went to school with a lad who claimed his dad invented the phrase “No way José” and that they were still living off the royalties.— Maisie Adam (@MaisieAdam) 2019年5月21日
イギリスのコメディエンヌ、Maisie Adamさんは、「ツイッター!あなたがこれまでに聞いた中で一番でたらめだったものって何?
お父さんが、”No way José(かなり強めのダメ出しフレーズです)”というフレーズを発明して、その使用料で生計立ててるって言う男の子と同じ学校に通ってた」と、自分が子供の頃信じてしまったしょうもないウソを白状。このツイートが呼び水となり、次から次へとしょうもないウソに関するエピソードがツイートされていきます。
A lad in my school explained that the reason he was big was due to the fact he was born without lungs, so as a baby they had to transplant him some lungs. However the only ones available used to belong to Hulk Hogan. I had no reason to disbelieve this at the time.— Woolich (@w00lich) 2019年5月22日
When I was younger, my Grandad told me that our whole family are banned from Cyprus because he shot a sacred donkey there when he was in the army. Didn’t book to go to Ayia Napa with my pals just in case— Rebecca Alice Smith (@BecAlSmith) 2019年5月21日
My grandad said he was the only player to ever score a penalty with a header. He ran up, struck the ball, it hit a dog that ran on the pitch and he headed it in— Chris Wilkinson (@Mr_Wilko1990) 2019年5月22日
Next door neighbour who lived in Ohio for about three months claimed her family were 'American royalty' and she was a princess. https://t.co/WHh3YBNKy8— Emily G (@CuriouslyEmily) 2019年5月22日
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