NY Issue : Interview with Rachel Trachtenburg from WOOING
Rachel「60’sのサイケデリックな音楽と、グランジかな。60’sと90’sのミックス。HeliumとQuasiはお気に入りのバンドだし、Led Zeppelinみたいなクラシックロックも大好きだし、Neil Youngの大ファンでもあるんです」
——すごい! 素敵なヴィジュアルですよね。
Rachel「ドキュメンタリーからが多いですね。あとは映画かな。『Alice in Wonderland』のような昔のディズニー映画も宮崎駿も大好きだし、名作に影響されています。風景と、感情を呼び起こされることで大きなインスピレーションやコンセプトを得ているんです」
Rachel「これはEmma Clineの”The Girls”って本。マンソン事件を知っていますか? 女の子の視点から書いた本なんだけど、とても素晴らしい。ホラーとかカルトっぽいのにハマっているんです(笑)。ストックホルム症候群の心理学とかね」
Rachel「全く違います。最近Melanie Safkaのバックシンガーをさせてもらったんです。彼女は60’sの歌手で、最近新しいアルバムを出したんです。 伝説の歌手のバックシンガーをするのは楽しかったし、他の人の歌だからいつもと違う感じで、それもまた素敵な経験でした」
Rachel「Kim Deal。The Breedersが大好きなんです。彼女とコラボするためなら何でもします(笑)。『逆立ちして』と言われたらすぐやりますね。WOOINGをプロデュースしてくれないかな。一緒に働いてみたいわ」
Rachel「まだ確定はしていないものも多いけれど、来年の準備をしています。シューズブランドSteve Maddenがビデオをスポンサーしてくれることになったから、たくさんの作品を作る予定です。とても楽しみ!」
photography Diego Garcia
interview Ryoko Kuwahara
——Your Parents are musician, Right? So what kind of music did your parents play?
They played like conceptual art pop. It was a very theatrical concept.
——What kind of instrument did you play?
I played the drum. There were slides in the background and my mom worked on those visuals slides that the music went to. And my dad played piano and guitar. So, it was just the three of us.
——When did you start drumming?
I started drumming at age 6.
——Were you already making music, before you started drumming?
Yeah, a little bit. Like piano and a little silly stuff. But I didn’t take it too seriously until I was like 14. That’s when I started writing my own songs full-time and always having bands and stuff. The family band toured a lot when I was younger and we played for a long time.
——What kind of music did you like?
I like a mixture of psychedelic like 60’s stuff and then I like a lot of grunge era stuff. So, a mixture between the 90’s and 60’s. I love like Helium and Quasi, are some of my favorite bands. And then, I love classic rock like Led Zeppelin. I love Neil Young.
——I feel the psychedelic influences in WOOING.
Oh yeah, it’s there.
——Who creates the album art and visuals for your music?
Me. I designed the logo. I do all the album artwork and the fliers.
——You’re so talented. I love the visuals!
I’ve just been teaching myself how to do all of it. All self-taught. Yeah I do all the embroidery and stuff. I love it. It’s a big part of it for me, the artwork, because music is very visual and if the two don’t fit together naturally, it’s just not going to work. Yeah, I put a lot of love into that as well.
——How do you usually come up with ideas for songs?
A lot of it comes from documentaries for me. That’s usually where a concept or inspiration comes from. Usually film, old Disney films like Alice in Wonderland. Just like classics. I really love Miyazaki. So those kind of visual landscapes and emotional reactions are big inspirations.
——How about your artwork?
Similar for film and stuff and nature. I feel like since I live in NY and you don’t get much fresh air and trees, so that’s a big inspiration for trying to get grounded and that pulls me back into the music. It keeps me inspired.
——Which is more important in music, making music or playing live?
Concerts are more fun because there’s so much energy and release. I feel amazing after a show, and on stage. Writing songs, it depends. If I’m in the mood, it’s fun. But, if it’s like, “I have deadlines and I have to get shit done!,” it’s harder, of course. But it’s challenging in a nice way because it makes you think in a different way. I love recording, I love being in the studio. That’s really fun for me. And working on a song once it’s already written and done, and being able to go to the studio and add more stuff, you feel like you’re rewriting it all over again. I love that.
——I see you have a book, but do you love reading books?
This is “The Girls,” by Emma Cline. Do you know the Manson Murders? This is from the girls’ perspective and it’s really good. I’m very into horror and that kind of cult thing. The psychology behind Stockholm Syndrome and just what it can do to you.
——Is it for songwriting? How do you write?
I think it’s kind of similar to the EP. It’s a lot about daydreaming and getting caught up in your own thoughts and like the personification of your feelings. And a lot about nature and wanting to connect to it, and being appreciative of how much it gives us. And just kind of about being respectful to the planet that we are given.
——What aspect of music do you enjoy the most?
Singing. I’ve been doing a lot more with my voice and I’ve been feeling more comfortable with that, which is really nice. I used to hate it. It’s nice to look at it s an instrument of its own because I was never like that. And I have a lot of friends who are beautiful vocalists and I never thought of myself as someone like that. So it’s nice that lately, I’ve been feeling more comfortable with my own voice and doing a lot more challenge and fun stuff. And that’s really exciting because it’s very freeing.
——Your vocals feel very emotional. And now it’s very different from before?
Yeah. I recently got to sing backup vocals for Melanie Safka. Do you know of her? She’s like a singer from the 60’s. She has a new album out and She sang the and wrote the song brand new key. But it was really fun to sing back-up for such a legend. Also it was fun because they put me out of my element by singing in someone else’s song. Yeah, so that was nice.
——How do you balance music and modeling?
It comes together very naturally. My agent is very respectful of my time and that music comes first for me. But modeling gives me a lot of opportunities and it’s really fun and creative, a good amount of the time. It’s fun. You meet people, and they kind of both feed into each other very nicely and it somehow works out.
——If you could collaborate with anyone, who would you choose?
Kim Deal. I love The Breeders. I would do anything. If she’s like, “Stand on your head,” I’d be like, “Okay, here I am.” That’s my dream collaboration. Or if she’d wanna produce Wooing or something, I’d love to work with her.
——Why you make music?
I think it comes from wanting to hear what isn’t happening. I listen to my music a lot, so it’s one of those things where I don’t think there’s a band like what I make.
——So, what does music mean to you?
It’s my whole life. It always has been. My parents met at an open mic so it just kind of related to my existence and everything. And I feel like there wasn’t music, I wouldn’t be a reason to really exist. It’s everything.
——What do you think about social media’s influence on music?
I think it’s sad that it’s so important because it’s a very important aspect of a career in entertainment, I think. If you don’t have it, it’s hard for people to see what you’re doing and connect and stuff. So um, I definitely spend way too much time on Instagram. Like HOURS.It’s fun. I like that you can connect with people all around the world. That’s really cool. I like being able to talk to people in Japan in my messages, and hear from fans and stuff. I just did that thing where you can see what the demographics of your followers are, and 86% of them are women my own age. I think that’s really cool and empowering that I’m speaking to people that are just like me. I love that. It has its downsides because it’s controlling in a lot of ways, but it can be empowering for music if used in the right way.
——Any exciting news or information about ongoing projects?
Things are still kind of like up in the air right now, but we have some exciting stuff that we’re working on for next year and a lot of videos. And the band partnered up with the shoe company Steven Madden, so they’re sponsoring us for a little bit for some videos and stuff. So we’re doing some collaborative context with them. So that’s really fun.
——Did you sign to a label?
We have a small label here that we’re starting to work with, but we’re trying to figure things out and see what the right fit is.
——I see.I Are you making more albums?
We have enough to make another album, and right now, we’re working on pre-production. We’ll probably be recording it next year. But we’re meeting with producers and trying to figure out who’s the right person to make it with. I’ve already tried to figure out artwork and all of that.
——Thank you for your time.
Thank you for meeting me here!
photography Diego Garcia
interview Ryoko Kuwahara
都市で暮らす女性のためのカルチャーWebマガジン。最新ファッションや映画、音楽、 占いなど、創作を刺激する情報を発信。アーティスト連載も多数。
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