WOMAN IN LA ISSUE : Interview with Zoe Zag
![NeoL_Zoe | Photography : Dan Monick](https://getnews.jp/extimage.php?11012ca06f44ca0c3296fb1ae720661a/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.neol.jp%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2Fweb-17_7_27_Zoe_01-620x777.jpg)
![NeoL_Zoe1 | Photography : Dan Monick](https://getnews.jp/extimage.php?4cc402020048575b5f1574b218692370/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.neol.jp%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2Fweb-17_7_27_Zoe_02-620x777.jpg)
アート、音楽、ファッションーーLAカルチャーが再び注目を集めているなか、NeoLではLAを拠点として活躍する女性クリエイターに焦点を当て、それぞれのキャリアや作品について、そして都市の魅力を聞く小特集を敢行。第四弾はアーティストであり、ファッションデザインやアニメーションを手がけるZoe Zagをピックアップ。
– LAではどんな仕事をしているの?
– アニメーション?
Zoe「そう。デスクの上にあるモニターが、アニメーション用。HBO(アメリカのケーブルテレビ放送局)の番組『Animals』のためにビデオを作る仕事をしているショーンと去年の10月に展示を一緒にやったんだけど、彼の仕事(アニメーション)をみて『その仕事すごくカッコいい!』って言ったら、彼はドローイングを直接描ける大きなモニターを持っていて、『君もこれで絵を描いてもいいよ』って言ってくれて。彼の寝室にあるそのモニターの前で二人並んで絵を描いて、当時の様子はまさにアニメーション強化合宿っぽかったわね。それで、一緒にスペースをオープンして、今年からは一緒に働き始めたの。今は、いくつか仕事をしているけど、他人のスタイルをフォローしない私自身のアート制作できるよう心がけているの。アニメーションをやって、服を作って、『Cry Tough』というブランドをやって。『Cry Tough』は服のみなんだけど、新しいものをローンチしようとしているところよ。しばらくはTシャツをずっと作っていて。それはそれでとても面白かったけど、今は他のアイデアがあって、それを形にするのがすごく楽しみ!あと、ちょうど今、Tシャツ以外の服も作っているの。これからは『Cry Tough』の服が欲しいとなったら一点もので、一生持ち続けることができるものになるかな。それはクールでユニークな唯一無二のもので、大量生産と違ってすごく特別に感じられると思うわ」
– これがあなたのスタジオ(スタジオ兼ギャラリー『BAD PEOPLE』)ですか?
– 『BAD PEOPLE』とはなにかしら?
Zoe「『BAD PEOPLE』はアニメーターのための場所で、メンバーは4人いて、裏でアニメーションを作っているの。でも、アニメーション以外に皆、それぞれ違うやりたい事もやっているわね。ショーンは『BAD PEOPLE』の私のパートナーで、バンドもやっていたり。彼はパートタイムのアニメーターで、パートタイムのミュージシャンでもあるのよ。私はパートタイムアニメーター、パートタイム服飾デザイナー。皆、それぞれ別のいろんな活動をしているわ」
– こういうスペースを今まで持ったことはありますか?
– ZoeはLA出身?
– LAに住んでどれくらいになりますか?
Zoe「今回に限ってかな? それだと、4、5年になるわ。引っ越す前までは2年間北部のほうにいて、行ったり来たりして。でも今回は、LAにずっと滞在しようかなと思っているの。都市のどこにいっても圧倒される感じがしたから、自然の中で数年間過ごして一息つくのはとても良かった。その後、LAに戻ってくるのは嫌だったけど、でも今回ばかりは、LA育ちなんだけど生まれて初めてLAを好きになったの」
– LAのどこが好きですか?
Zoe「Echo Parkが大好き。ビーチがメインのVeniceで育ったけど、真逆の谷側のエリアのになるわ。このエリアは、知り合いにいつもバッタリ会って、挨拶しあうようなところで、とても小さい町のように感じで本当に好き。私が住んでる場所の周りを歩くと、知り合いの誰かしらを見かけるの。よく知らない人だとしても、バッタリ出会えるのはすごく気分がいいのよ。だって、LAや他の都市では、皆が他人のように感じるから」
– どのようにしてアーティストになったの?学校に通ったりしたの?
– あなたの仕事の中でどんなところが好きですか?
– 音楽を演奏したりもしますか?
– では、LAにはしばらくいるつもりなんですね。
Zoe「そうね。実際にBAD PEOPLEを始めてやってみて、ここで全てやれることは全部やって、全てちゃんとやりきったかどうか確認していくつもり。それで今は、私が作ってる服のPOP-UP SHOPを絡めたイベントをやりたいと考えているの。DJを呼んで、バンドのライブがあって、みたいな。今まで夢に見ていたようなことを実現させたいの。これまでずっと、そういう事をどうやったら上手くできるか考えていて、そして今、スペースを持つようになったからこの場所を、皆が服を作ったり音楽を作ったりとインスパイアできる特別な場所にしたいと考えているわ。皆がやっていることはそんなに難しい事じゃないから。皆、何でも出来ると信じているわ。自分は力不足だったりカッコ良くないと思っている若い子が沢山いるけど、そんなことはない。自分は絵がヘタだと言う人もいるけど、そんなことはない。自分の出来るようにやればいいと思うの。ミュージシャンやアーティストを崇拝している人達もいるけど、崇拝される側もただの人、人間なのよ。皆と同じようにね。皆、誰かより優れていたりすることはないの。もし絵の展示がしたかったり、バンドを始めたかったり、アニメーションをやりたいと思ったら、やっちゃえばいい!それは魔法でもスーパーヒーロー的なものじゃなくて、技術だから。沢山の若い子達が、「僕も私も◯◯だったら…」というのをよく聞くけれど、自分が他人であればと願っても、他人もそんなに素敵ってこともないから。若い子たちが自分は能力が足りないと思い込んでいるのは本当に悪いこと。だって、十人十色で、彼らは十分に能力があるから」
– では、今後、沢山のイベントを企画しているんですか。
Zoe Zag : http://www.zoezag.com/
BAD PEOPLE :https://bad-people.myshopify.com/
photography Dan Monick
text by commune
– What do you do for work in LA?
I’m an artist but this past year I’ve been trying to get really good animation.
– Animation?
Yea, that’s the monitor on my desk I bought it to. Sean who you met, we had an art show last October and he was on the job doing the music videos HBO for the show animals and I was like “woo, that’s so cool” . He’s had this big monitor and his drawing on it. And he was like “Well, You can work on it”. And I thought we work side by side in his bed room, it was like animation boot camp.
And we opened the space together and this year we’ve been doing the job together.
Now I’ve done some job I’ve been working on doing more art stuff on my own, not following anyone’s style?
So (I do) animation, clothing, I have clothing brand called Cry Tough.
So Cry Tough is the clothing and I’m about launching new everything.
I was doing Tshirts for a while, which is really fun but I have some other things in mind. and I’m really excited.
Right now I’m working on how to make that more wearable rather than just Tshirts for any,
you know, so , someone wants to buy Cry Tough pieces would be like one of a kind, and the piece they could have forever. rather than Tshirts that they could order more often.
It just feels more special. You mass-produced something.
One cool unique thing that they only have it.
– Is that your studio?(inside of BAD PEOPLE )
Yeah, here I keep my inventory and I work out here making pieces but my desk is for animation and stuff like that.
– What is “BAD PEOPLE”?
BAD PEOPLE is for all the animators. so there are 4 of us, animating in the back.
But we all have different things we would like to do. So Sean who’s my partner in BAD PEOPLE, but he’s also in the band. So he’s like part animator and part musician and I’m part animator and part clothing designer.
We are all doing a lot of different things.
– Have you had space like that?
No, this is something I always wanted to do. Finally.
So it’s basically the back is for work and front is for whatever events we wanna put on.
Every other month, guest curators from Portland curates the show with out-of-town artists and the month after that, that’s empty.
So it’s one month on gallery and one month is off. so Off month, we can do whatever we want if it’s empty.
And there is a gallery month which we have thrown the event within the art show.
So we’ll have like book release with the art show up, which is cool because it’s not white wall.
There are art on the wall for unrelated events. It gives people another chance to see the show without advertising as the art show again.
people who would not have come to the show, they were coming for the book release or for some other thing they get.
They are like introduce to the artists, not from LA.
– Are you born in LA?
I was born in Chico, which is northern California. It’s a small town. There are collage there but other than that, it’s kind of middle of nowhere. It’s kind of strange place.
I pretty much grew up LA but I do frequently move back up north.
– How long have you lived here in LA?
This time? 4 or 5 years. but then I was up in north 2 years and go up and down. But I think I’m gonna stay this time. I think that anywhere city can be overwhelming and it was really nice to go to nature for a couple years and take a breather. and I don’t wanna came back this last time and I really fall in love with LA for the first time.
even though I grew up here.
– Which part of LA do you love??
I really like this are Echo Park. I grew up more in Venice that’s the beach so that’s way opposite of Valley. I really like this area, It feels like small town, sort of running into the people all the time, that you just say hi, too. It feels small.
Where I live and walk around and I see people that I know. even if I don’t know them very well, it feels nice.
Because some area, you feel like everybody is stranger or something in LA. Like any city, I think.
– How did you become an artist? did you go to art school?
I didn’t. I got in Calarts but I didn’t go because it was expensive. I went to school community collage to take classes, more just for fun. First time I made money doing art was doing sets on music videos where I had creative control to design what the space would look like for the music video, utilizing art works of mine. It was so fun because it gave me a thrill that wasn’t like having a painting on the wall. it was like my art was living on the video. So it was like forever gonna live somewhere. I just never wanted to be a painter who like sells, and that’s it. So the music video was the start of a motivation because in Los Angels you can actually do things like that.
And I always wanted to design I grew up sewing so I started to think about clothing as art that doesn’t hang on the wall. That’s what cannot be hang on the wall. Clothes can be worn and walked, traveled. Music videos can be traveled because people from over the world are watching them. I’m more excited about that.
Even zines, because they can just float around because there are not so expensive and easy to get and trade or like live somewhere. and it’s kind of small so every time you move you don’t throw them away. Books are heavy and hard to move.
– Which part do you like your work now?
I’m excited about animating! And new clothing ideas I have. Both I think can go hand in hand because I think if I’m designing something I can also animate like a gif, like very short looping video of my designs.
It’s really cool to see your drawings moves. I like drawing but I don’t sell drawings. I like to draw and make it screen print and make it animation or make it something else, rather than just a piece of paper. You can go so far with the drawings. You can do so much with the drawings.
– Do you also play music?
Yes, I’m woking on the project with someone from Oakland, San Francisco. We are doing like Penpal.
He sends me tracks with no vocals and we talk on the phone and I records the vocals at home alone and send it back and we send it back and forth. We haven’t seen each other years. It’s almost done and I’m so excited. I’m more excited about making music videos and Tshirts and fun stuff.
– So you are going to be here for a while in LA.
So now I’ve started this, I’ve committed , we are gonna do all we can do here and I’m gonna make sure that I do all things I wanted to do. So I wanna throw events I want to, that includes me having store like POP-UP store of all my clothes. Having like DJ, band play, make it fun places I’ve always dreamed going to
Because I feel like everywhere I go, I’m not crazy about it. I always dreamed how I would do better
and now I have place I wanna make it like that special place that inspires people to make clothes and play music and so. because nothing that anyone is doing is that hard.
anyone can do anything. I think a lot of people think that they are not good enough or cool enough and that is not true. like people say that they are bad at drawing. that’s not true. I don’t believe that.
Just do it your own way.
People who idolized musicians or artists, they are not better than you or else.They are just people or human, just like anyone else.
Like no one is better than anybody else. And if you want to go try to have an art show, be the band ,learn how to animate, go try it. It’s not magic or super hero. Skills.
I saw many young kids say, I wish I was… don’t wish you were anybody else. You can be awesome like them, just do it. You don’t have to wish to be another person. because they are not that great.
I don’t like the idea that young people think they are not good enough. because they are (good enough), in a different way.
– so you will have lots of events here future?
Yea lots of things going on but trying to keep it like relaxed, not stressful. and just that keep it one day in a time. Not overdue anything. Like today is just for relaxing. Because the work should be fun.
都市で暮らす女性のためのカルチャーWebマガジン。最新ファッションや映画、音楽、 占いなど、創作を刺激する情報を発信。アーティスト連載も多数。
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