Sonic Frontiers’ 3rd Free Major Update ‘THE FINAL HORIZON UPDATE’ to Release on September 29th!

Sonic Frontiers’ 3rd Free Major Update ‘THE FINAL HORIZON UPDATE’ to Release on September 29th!

SEGA, the company behind the action-adventure game Sonic Frontiers, has announced that the release date for the third major free update will be on September 28, 2023.

Sonic Frontiers Third Major Free Update to be Released on September 29th!

SEGA revealed that Sonic Frontiers will receive a third significant update, dubbed “THE FINAL HORIZON UPDATE,” on September 28, 2023. This free update will introduce playable characters Amy, Knuckles, and Tails, as well as a new scenario that takes place on Uranus Island. With new gimmicks and missions, players can achieve an alternate ending to the main story.

Watch the trailer for “THE FINAL HORIZON UPDATE” on the official Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube channel. Visit the official website or follow Official X (@sonic_hedgehog) for more information on Sonic Frontiers.



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Saiga NAK

Saiga NAK



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