Maika Loubtéがリリース予定のシングルのアートワークに参加しよう

Maika Loubtéが6月リリース予定の次のシングルのアートワーク(ビデオ含む)のための写真を募集。
写真をメールに添付で✉ [email protected]
もしくは #RMB2020 で写真を付けて、インスタ投稿もしくはツイート。


SEND ME PHOTOS! For the artwork of my new song, I need to collect many photographs.

So please, can you all send me photos of your favorite place,
beautiful memory from your daily life, etc?

E-mail it to [email protected]
or Post your photos with #RMB2020 on Twitter or instagram.
(The photographs that you took or you own would be appreciated.)

​The new single will be out on June 2020.

You can join the campaign until April 26th 2020.

*Please note that your photograph will not necessarily be used for the cover art , and that we are not able to offer compensation for any of the pictures you will send. But we will hopefully use every photo for the video:)

*To show our gratitude, if your photograph is used, your name/nickname will be included in the production credit.
If you are sending your photograph via email, please write your name or nickname on the email.
Participants via Instagram do not have to post their name. Their account name will be on the production credit.
If you would not like your name to be on the production credit, please contact [email protected]

Thank you so much for your support.
Maika Loubté

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  3. Maika Loubtéがリリース予定のシングルのアートワークに参加しよう


都市で暮らす女性のためのカルチャーWebマガジン。最新ファッションや映画、音楽、 占いなど、創作を刺激する情報を発信。アーティスト連載も多数。


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