OKAMOTO’Sのアドレス帳 Vol.25 オカモトレイジ x ヤビク エンリケ ユウジ


OKAMOTO’Sのメンバーが友人はもちろん、憧れのアーティストなどをゲストに迎える対談企画第25弾には、昨年開催されたオカモトレイジキュレーションによるエキシビションYAGIでの出展で注目を集めたコラージュアーティスト、ヤビク エンリケ ユウジが登場。インスタグラムの使い方から、好きなことを仕事にする生き方についてまでを語ってくれた。

For Vol.25, we invited the rising collage artist Yabiku Henrique Yuji. Both as OKAMOTO’S close friend and the rising artist, Yabiku was introduced to the world at last year’s exhibition YAGI. REIJI and Yabiku are here to talk about how they are making a living with the things that they love, and also how they use instagram as a tool.





——You two were introduced by Mr.Tamada (Shota/TTT_MSW Designer) last year, right?

YABIKU: Right. Mr.Tamada reached out to me through DM on instagram and said that he wanted to meet up. I have checked out both of his and REIJI’s instagram before, so I was like “WOW” when the message came. And so I went to meet with them and that was when I first heard about YAGI (A joint exhibition that was held for 24hrs from November 27th, 2017). After participated in YAGI, I started to get a lot of work offers and I thought that it really have made an impact.

REIJI: And I remember that was when you started doing collages, for about two months, right?

YABIKU: Yeah that was the time that I first began. I have got a lot more followers when I start posting those work on instagram. People were all saying that they appreciated my work.



ヤビク「もともと文化服装学院に在籍していたのですが、1年目を修了した時に自分が服作りに向いていないと感じて休学したんです。そこからISSEY MIYAKEの販売員をやったのですが、それも何か違うなと半年で辞めて『人生どうしよう』と思っていたところ、趣味で集めた古本が家に沢山あったのでそれで何か作ってみようと始めたのが最初ですね。昔から絵が好きでよく描いていて、文化服装学院でもデザイン画が優秀作品に選ばれたことがあって、今見返すとなかなか配置が良いんですよね。コラージュを始める前からそうやって配置を考えるのが好きで、何かを作るのも好きでした」

レイジ「決断がはやいよね。KIANO JONESと遊んでるときもそういうはやさを感じる。彼は音楽を聴いていてもイントロ15秒で良くなかったら飛ばしちゃうんです。自分の人生問わず、決断がはやい世代なのかもしれない」

——How did you get started with collage?

YABIKU: I was a student at Bunka Fashion College at the beginning. At the end of freshman year I felt like I wasn’t suited for making clothes and then I took a leave of absence from school. And then I became a sales representative for ISSEY MIYAKE, but that also didn’t go well. At that time I honestly didn’t have any idea about what to do with my life and so I quit after six months and went back home.One of my hobbies is to collect vintage books and I had a lot at home so that was when I first get started with collage. I have always liked drawing and painting, looking back at it now I think that it is really nice to use this media to select and arrange the art works and designs that I like to make something new. I liked it a lot when I found myself thinking about what to do and even in the process of actually doing it.

REIJI: He is really quick with making decisions. My another friend KIANO JONES’d skip the song if it wasn’t good for the first 15 seconds. Regardless of their life and habits, I think it is probably just that the generation is all quick with making decisions.



ヤビク「デザインや写真を見ていました。昔の雑誌は何でもアリなんです。ベルリンの『Max』という雑誌が一番気に入っているのですが、犯罪者の写真もあるし、ランウェイの写真もあって。こんなの同じところに載せていいの? という感覚が面白い。僕の作品にも沢山の矛盾があるのですが、それは『Max』の影響もありますね」

——Maybe it is because that we are all using these high-speed digital devices which are pushing us to make our decision faster.

REIJI: I guess so. It isn’t bad anyway. It’s just how the generation is. I think YABIKU is on the right track and everything is working fine. You did not collect the vintage books just to read them, did you?

YABIKU:I was looking at the designs and the photographs. You can literally find anything on a vintage magazine. Berlin’s “Max” was my favorite. There are photographs of the criminals as well as those of runways. It was probably not appropriate for them to be on the same magazine but it is truly interesting. The sense of conflict is constantly shown in my work and I think I was influenced by “Max”.










——How do you find YABIKU’s work attractive from your perspective, REIJI?

REIJI: Of course the style of the work is cool and it neatly reflects the trend nowadays. I like a lot that it is easy for people to understand and perceive. But to me, the most attractive part is that the artist himself is enjoying the process of making these collages. I think that it is conveyed through the work that the he is serious about making it and he is concentrating. To have to waking up at 6am each day and put himself to work for three hours, that is the best part.

YABIKU: I tend to forget about the concept of time once I put myself into the process.

REIJI: That is perfect for making work like this. To not care about anything else but the work itself, and to be able to focus on telling what you need to say through the work no matter what, that is what I like about making art. When we were curating YAGI, we have had a lot of work from all these artists who simply wanted to join. We didn’t have any arrangement or standards. YABIKU brought plenty of his work and I was moved by the enthusiasm and so we put him in the biggest booth at the entrance.

YABIKU: I saw the visitors stopping by to see my work and I heard them saying that they appreciated the way I curated the place where I left some of the place blank on purpose. I was touched because my thoughts and intentions were passed on through the work. I am so glad that I have had this opportunity to exhibit my work.

REIJI: Collage is such an abstract media that you can’t really specifically judge about. There is a story I see in every work by YABIKU. For example, he made this piece of collage with the gifts his friend brought him from Berlin. There is a reason for every decision he makes and you will get to know it when you ask. YABIKU also makes T-shirt and he packs them with his collage work. They are so delicately wrapped that I don’t even want to unpack them! He also brought me T-shirts today, with the collaged packing, of course. I really love these things that he does.It is really thoughtful.

YABIKU: It takes a tremendous amount of time to work. It lasts for such a long time before I decide to go with two or three specific photographs. Sometimes hours and hours past and the process continues. Maybe that is also why the final achievement tastes so good.

REIJI: But you were quite quick with deciding quitting school and the wrong job. That is just so funny but also admittedly right.







——-Your mom also came to YAGI, right?

REIJI: She began to cry cause YABIKU came to Japan when he was in junior high and it was very difficult for him to make Japanese friends. But she found YABIKU has so many friends at YAGI. To think about how far we have come it is really amazing. I am so glad that we have done the exhibition.

YABIKU: I was born in Brazil and was raised there till the age of 11. And I came to Gunma and lived in this area where most Brazilians would go. My father was Japanese Brazilian and my mother was Brazilians which gave me no reason to learn Japanese. Even though I have learned Japanese at school I still didn’t feel the need to practice. And the classes were also done separately and so for a long time I found myself not able to love Japan. I wanted to go to Tokyo and see if things could change. I am really happy with how it turned out to be now.

REIJI: YABIKU is able to speak a few different languages, right?

YABIKU: Portuguese was my mother tongue and later on I was able to learn Japanese and speak it as a second language, like English. I have learned French while I was studying abroad. My brother was in an international school and so I was prepared for that, too. Somehow my interests in fashion formed while I was in high school and I found art very inviting and so the whole direction changed.








レイジ「NYでヤビクが喜びそうなゴミをたくさん持ってきました(笑)。一番頑張ったのは、一人でピザ屋行ったときに店員に捨てられそうになったのを『ノー!』と断ってキープした箱です。『マイフレンド イズ コラージュ アーティスト!マテリアル!』とか言って(笑)」





——-That’s amazing. You were really making efforts in these different fields. Speaking of this, have you ever listened to OKAMOTO’S music?

YABIKU: Of course. REIJI is quite famous even in the fashion industry.

REIJI: Wow I didn’t know that!

YABIKU: Seriously, for real. I was searching the name on Wikipedia because you were very stylish, and then I found you appearing in different genre. I got interested and started wondering what kind of people you are.

REIJI: Isn’t it like the Berlin magazine you were just talking about? So many different cultural elements within one person.

YABIKU: Yeah it is probably like that. It is quite inspiring to see people change while seeing them from different perspective and angles. You are definitely not the same from how I see you from while I was a student and from now. I am honored to have someone like you to evaluate my work. Because you understand better than anyone else. Like how you have just mentioned the gifts as an example, I get that, too! It is just this kind of feeling is really great.

REIJI: I brought plenty of “garbage” to YABIKU when I went to NY. There was this one episode that I went to have pizza alone and while the waiter was trying to throw away the pizza box, I shouted “NO!” and kept the box. “My friend is a collage artist! He could use this as material!” That’s what I said, haha.

YABIKU: That is really nice of you. And I appreciate your sense in this. Even just scrolling down instagram, you send me those feeds and suggest that I should include them. That really makes me happy when I see them. Love it.

REIJI: I am doing my instagram in way which in a sense is like an installation over a long time period. I am really obsessed to see them. And the part of which it is organized and shown in the order of time makes me think that instagram is maybe just like a collage in a different form.

YABIKU: Collage is all about collecting the various good things in an appealing way, I think that’s what I am good at. It’s not like starting from zero, but like organizing what’s already existing with something new. I want to create things that will make people feel surprised when they see it. I want to hear them asking “did you put this into it, too?”. There is something about mixing and arranging these elements in a new way that really interests me.

REIJI: Lately I have been very into the thought of arranging things in a completely different way. For example, I’ve been trying to see how it will sound if I erase all the sound of the guitar. It is not a familiar thing when it comes to the band performance, but when you think about it just as a type of music in 2018, there is nothing much to be surprised about it. I am not trying to target at anything, I am only trying to challenge myself with reducing the layers of the instrumental sound.



レイジ「なんでだろう。バンドで音楽を作っていても、サビに盛り上がりがほしい時は大体みんなギターの音を更に乗せたり足したりしたがるんです。でも、俺はサビ以外の音を抜くことでサビが一番際立つようにしたい。いわば消去法です。例えばRed Hot Chilli Peppersは消去法の究極で、自分が音楽を仕事として始めてから改めて聴いても本当に凄いと感じます。彼らのように、あり得ないくらい何も足してない状態で格好いいということはセンスでしかないし、バンドのグルーヴが成立しているからだと思います。突き詰めるとそういうことなのかなと。今はiPhoneでなんでも情報が即座に手に入れられるので、むしろ知識や計算は要らなくなっている。そんな中で、『何が良いのか分からないけれど好きだ』という感性が一番大事になっていて、センスやグルーヴが求められていると思います。そういったところでずば抜けている人しか勝ち残れない」

——-Does it mean that there are actually less while you try to get things to their fullest?

REIJI: Well. When making music as a band, everyone in general tends to want more sound of guitar on top of each other to get the sound of the excitement. But what I want is the prominent sound of the chorus and that is why I am extracting the guitar. That is called eliminating in a way. For example, Red Hot Chili Peppers is the one band that had used this method to the extreme. When I started to make my own music as a job, I finally understand how it works and it is just so amazing. To not have the need to add anything extra and keep it cool while having the band groove established, just like they do, is what I am trying to say. Nowadays, we can easily get any information we need just by tapping on our iPhon, but that also makes all the technical knowledge and calculation less important. What is significant is that, to be able to say that “I like it even if I don’t know if it’s good”. Sense and groove are required to do this job. That is what really needed to be outstanding.








——-As the game is changing, now it is more focused on the work itself and the marketing becomes less important, do you think that is good for the artists?

REIJI: Sure,I’d say so. From the very beginning, there is just no way that you could get an answer to the question of “why do I like this song” from Google. And for the artists, “Why they like” is very important. On the other hand, the band has to go live because they know that everyone is going to be there and listen. That is just how it works from a business point of view which is important just like the way people keep posting on instagram to get followers. To have this sense of recognition that “I’m cool because the things that I’m listening to is cool”.
Speaking of that, recently I have been thinking about why isn’t Rock popular. I am now using Apple Music as a music application right now and I found myself staring at the font of the music album the designs while I listen to the song. And Rock as a genre isn’t portrayed as something cool in that way. Although a certain types of dancing music like Techno fits nicely, the concept of Rock and the way they put up the artwork on iTunes is just not a good way for it to be heard. It is not cool to squeeze it like that, and it doesn’t even look good on instagram. As a matter of fact, I have come to realized that there is no way to get it right. Nothing is created for the purpose of music but for the business profit. The only thing that matters for them is how to get more people to hear it.Looking at it from a perspective like this, I feel like everyone just want to post something cool on instagram.

YABIKU: I am also relying on Instagram lol

RENJI: You are good at using it as a tool rather than just relying on it. YABIKU just made his own T-shirt and sell it on instagram.

YABIKU: I posted it on my instagram story and I thought it wasn’t going to work, but many people contacted me for the product. And most of them are not my friend, they just got my information on Instagram. And they have posted the packing with my collage on Instagram as well.It makes me really happy.

RENJI: Even though Instagram was created as a tool, it feels like everyone nowadays are all putting all their lives into it and that has become a problem. People keep holding their phone and staring at the screen even at a live concert. It is no longer about enjoying oneself at a concert but proving to someone else that you’ve been there. It is so contradicting and looking at it this way is just weird. Happiness is perceived differently by each person and it is okay if one is satisfied with how they are living. However, I am just wondering. To not forget the way of how it feels to be moved naturally. I have also posted other people’s performance, to help introduce cool artists who aren’t that famous. I never post the artist who are known by everyone. To continue the topic, there are people who tend to post on instagram story when they are at work. They want people to find them appealing they are good at work.But that is just contradicting. On one hand, you want to show that you are hard at work. On the other hand, your post is just a proof that you are on your phone rather than focusing on you work. How is that a good for your image? Speaking of that, I really like the space of the movie theater a lot. That sense of everyone is paying respect to not only the artwork but also to people who is sitting next to them.That is really nice. I think a movie theater could be the last place for people to relax and focus and it is place that everyone can easily get access to.






——-Right. People are using SNS differently in all these ways.

RENJI: Instagram is really interesting. It changed our history. The trend that people share on instagram can be sent to everyone. There is no time delay of the information, no matter where you live. Before instagram went popular, we need to sharpen our sensitivity to get there and it is a long process. But now instagram is doing all the job and it keeps suggesting what you might want to see. And so your own sense of beauty becomes prominent as well. Looking at someone else’s post and be like “I should be careful with posting stuff like this” is what people think about. I don’t think instagram is going to disappear easily.

YABIKU: My life has also changed ever since I started using Instagram. It is very different from where I live before. The gap between the rich and the poor is huge in Brazil. And everyone has to learn how to make a living. One must be able to stand on his own at the age of 18. My brother left home early and became independent while I was still trying to figure everything out. And so I have been living under the stress and hoped that I’d get something done. But it all worked for me somehow. I wouldn’t be abl to make it and I wouldn’t be able to do what I love without having the anxiety. It is really lucky for me to have found my way of making collage. And I am more than happy that I am depending my life on it.

RENJI: It really is luck. I have been making my own music and depending on it for a living. I have the confidence that I can go on like this and it is just something that I don’t need to worry about. I never think about that I should make more money out of it. I am already grateful that I can live my life doing the thing I am truly passionate about. I am more than lucky. That is what’s most important. Instagram is just like marketing, people will get tired of it at the end of the day. But what YABIKU is doing is not the same. It is interesting and inevitable. Something like this is not going to be washed away. It would be really nice if one could find something like that and hold on to it. That would be a really good life to live on.


art work Yabiku Henrique Yuji
text Ryoko Kuwahara

ヤビク エンリケ ユウジ

オカモトショウ(Vo)、オカモトコウキ(G)、ハマ・オカモト(B)、オカモトレイジ(Dr)。2010年5月にアルバム 『10’S』、11月に『オカモトズに夢中』、2011年9月に『欲望』を発売。2013年1月に4thアルバム『OKAMOTO’S』を発売し、7月に は両A面シングル“JOY JOY JOY/告白”を、11月6日にニューシングル“SEXY BODY”をリリース。2014年1月15日に岸田繁(くるり)を迎えた5th アルバム『Let It V』を、8月27日にはRIP SLYME、奥田民生、黒猫チェルシー、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ、ROY(THE BAWDIES)らとコラボを果たした5.5 thアルバム『VXV』を発売。2015年9月30日、6thアルバム『OPERA』をリリース。2016年6月1日にNetflixドラマ「火花」の主題歌「BROTHER」を表題曲にしたシングルをリリース。10月29日、東京・日比谷野外大音楽堂公演にてキャリア初の47都道府県ツアーファイナルを敢行。同ツアーからの厳選音源と、ツアー中に書き下ろした新曲「ROCKY」を収録し、ツアーファイナルの映像を全曲収録したBlu-ray付きライヴアルバム『LIVE』を2017年5月31日にリリース。8月2日に7thアルバム『NO MORE MUSIC』をリリース。同年10月7日には中野サンプラザにてキャリア初のホールワンマンの開催を発表し、即完売となる。同月30日より恵比寿リキッドルームを皮切りに全国23か所を回るツアー「OKAMOTO’S TOUR 2017-2018 NO MORE MUSIC」を実施。ファイナルとなるZepp Tokyoも完売となる中、オカモトショウのソロツアーが4月よりスタートし、好評をはくして終了。鈴木茂x猪野秀史 Special Support with 林立夫&ハマ・オカモトが6月より開始。

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