AT&T版Motorla Atrix 2にAndroid 2.3.6のソフトウェアアップデート(v55.13.25)が配信中

Motorolaの米AT’&T向けAndroidスマートフォン「Atrix 2」に対して、「v55.13.25」バージョンのソフトウェアアップデートの配信が開始されました。

今回のアップデートにおける主な変更内容は以下の通り。Ice Cream Sandwichバージョンアップではありませんが、OSバージョンがAndroid 2.3.6に上がります。

Enhancements to deliver better overall picture taking experience so you never miss a moment
・Google Music
Addition of Google Music application so you have greater access to the world of music. Shop millions of songs and hundreds of free tracks. Store your purchases on Google Music for free, and listen instantly on your mobile device.
・My Gallery、My Music、My Files
Re-naming of Motorola Gallery, Music, and Files applications for easy access in the Applications Tray
・Device Security
Enhancements to deliver greater device security, including addition of Android security patches from Google and Cisco Any Connect VPN enablers.
・Emergency Alerts
Enhancement to allow you to receive emergency alerts from authorities such as Hurricane warning notifications.
・Amazon Kindle
Enhancement to include link to app for quick and easy method to access your library of Amazon digital books as well as access to the entire Amazon library.
・AT&T Messages
Enhancement to include link to app for quick and easy method to give you access to all of your texts, calls and messages which have been stored in the cloud.
Improvements to keyboard functionality for better email experience
・Mobile Hotspot
Improved stability for better overall performance
Enhancements to improve stability and better overall performance

更新ファイルはネットワーク経由(3G/Wi-Fi)で配信されており、Atrix 2の設定画面を表示後、「About Phone」→「System Update」よりアップデートを実施することができます。

Source : リリースノート

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