Alpines『Another River』Interview

Q1.Can you tell us about Alpines.How and when did it started?
Bob – When we met, we were both in other bands and making music. But when we started to make music together it made more sense and the music we were writing sounded exciting to us.
Q2. How did you come up with name?
Bob – Our name was inspired by a trip to the French Alps that we made soon after meeting each other. We love the mountains and wanted a name that was related to that. We love the imagery of the natural world.
Q3. It’s really electro and you are always using technology,but I feel like I’m listening to acoustic music. What was your inspiration?
Bob – I’m inspired by music that uses new technology but still sounds warm and human – that’s what we’ve always tried to achieve. I want people to imagine Catherine performing her songs when they listen, rather than thinking about the technology I used in the production. That’s one of the reasons we started the new album with the sound of applause – I wanted to set the scene of Catherine performing at a piano to an audience.
Q4. Were you always into Music? Why you make?
Bob – I think both of us have always wanted to do music since we were teenagers. I don’t think you can do this if you don’t believe in yourself and your music 100%. I make music because I love the feeling you have when you hear music that really connects with you – I want to give that feeling to other people.

ーーニューアルバム「Another River」について、コンセプトやフィーリングなどを教えて下さい。
キャサリン「最近はSolangeとBon Iverの新しいアルバムを聴いてるわ。両方ともすごいの。最近の音楽も古い音楽も、好きな曲のプレイリストを二人とも作っているから、ここにアクセスしてチェックしてみて」
Q5. Can you tell us about your new album『Another River』? Concept, Feelings, such Details
Catherine – Our new album is more raw in style, both sonically and emotionally. We have tried to get to the bare bones of what we really want in the production, stripping it back where possible to let the song breathe. Equally in the lyrics, I have tried to be as direct and as honest as possible. Telling things as they really are.
Q6. How do you usually come up with song idea? The feelings if you are to say in a word.
Catherine – Sometimes a single word or concept will come to me which will be enough to create a whole song. Often it comes because of something I have been through or something I have read or experienced. I will then ask Bob to build some percussion and production ideas in a certain tempo to what I am writing on piano and it will build from there. One time when I was about to play a tennis match an idea for a song came to me and I had to take a moment to record it on the voice memo on my phone before I could continue. You always have to be prepared to write down your thoughts.
Q7. Can you describe the day of Recording and Live show.
Bob – Recording happens at home. We have a studio at the end of the garden, and if we’re not gigging we will be in there most days. It’s a different process from the traditional, where you would spend 2 weeks in a studio recording. Our albums take shape over months of work at home. We usually try to do a normal working day from morning to evening. Although it is nice to be able to take breaks, and we live near a beautiful park (Richmond Park). You need to clear your head sometimes when doing creative work.
For a London show, I usually pack up the car/van with all the equipment, while Catherine gets her outfit and makeup together. We then drive to the show in the early afternoon, and soundcheck. A good soundcheck is really important to feel confident going into the show! We then try and find somewhere quiet to relax before showtime. After the gig, whether it goes well or not, there is usually a lot of adrenaline. So we stick around for a while and talk to fans, then we go home and stay up late talking about the show.
Q8. If there is any collaboration opportunity, who do you wanna work with?
Catherine – So many people come to mind! At the moment I am so obsessed with Sampha. I used to say I always wanted to collaborate with Prince.
Q9. What kind of Music you listen to? Name of Artist?
Catherine – At the moment I am listening to Solange and Bon Iver’s new album. Both are amazing. We both make playlists of songs we like to listen to, both new and old. You can check them out here:

キャサリン「アルバムを作るときは必ずムードボードを作るわ。ファッションも含めて、色んな違うもののイメージのね。他には自然、絵画、彫刻、写真や建築なんかからもイメージをもらったり。『Another River』に関して言えば、砂漠の写真をたくさん見たわ。作ろうとしている音楽そのものを捉えていると思ったから。荒々しさとか、むき出しの自然がとてもしっくりきたの。ここでもっと見られるわ」
キャサリン「リッチモンド・パークはアウトドアで言えば好きな場所の一つね。自然に溢れていて簡単に迷子になれるの、時に重要なことなのだけど。『スイッチハウス』っていう、テート・モダンの新しい建物も大好き。兄がデザインした建築家チームにいたんだけど、アートにぴったりな場所よ。マルタ・ジャクボウスキー(marta Jakubowski)っていう、すごいタレントとビジョンを持ったファッションデザイナーからもインスピレーションをもらってる。私の兄とロンドンで学んだことがあって、今は世界中にファンがいるくらいすごい仕事をしてるの。音楽界って言うと、すごいミュージシャンが本当にたくさんいるけど、今思い浮かぶのはThe XX、Sampha、Nao、Ritual、SeramicとSwimsかな」
Q10. What is “Music” to you?
Catherine – Music to me is like marriage. All the highs and lows you go through in life you go through with your music too. It is like a mirror to your thoughts and emotion. It is a delicate relationship – one that is powerful but always needs nurturing and room to grow. It is with me everyday. Sometimes I want to be away from it and indulge in silence but mostly I want to be surrounded by it all the time.
Q11. Is there fashion reference in your music?
Catherine – We always build mood boards when we write an album. The images will include lots of different things including fashion references. We also look to other images from nature, painting, sculpture, photography and architecture. For ‘Another River’ we looked at a lot of photography of the desert landscape as we felt this really beautifully captured what we were trying to achieve in the music. The rawness and exposed nature of this landscape made a lot of sense to us. You can see more of our references here:
Q12. What’s youth culture today to you?
Catherine – Youth Culture today in London, where I have grown up for most of my life means many different things. But most of all I think it means embracing diversity and expression, accepting change and being open minded to the future. I would argue that the majority of youth in this city and country want to see progression whether it is in politics, society or more specific issues such as climate change.
Q13. Where do you think the music trend comes from today?
Catherine – It is a very difficult question to answer. Because of the internet the world has become such an open space, therefore cultures and influences are merging all the time in all corners of the globe. Styles and genres are incredibly hard to define and maybe that is a wonderful thing.
Q14. What’s your favorite Youtube?
Catherine – We love this video of a kitten riding on a tortoise. We have a cat and our manager has a tortoise so maybe one day we can make this dream come true!
Q15. Can you tell us your favorite place(shop, bar ,anywhere) and people( musician, designer, artist) in London.
Catherine – One of our favourite outdoor spaces in London is Richmond Park. It is a wild space which is easy to get lost in which is important sometimes. I love the new extension of the Tate Modern building called ’The Switch House’. My brother worked on the team of architects who helped design it and it is such a wonderful space for art. I have been really inspired by the fashion designer Marta Jakubowski who is so talented and a visionary. She studied with my brother in London and she is now doing incredibly well gaining fans from all over the world. In terms of music there are SO many incredible musicians but some people that come to mind that we love are The xx, Sampha, Nao, Ritual, Seramic and Swims.
Q16 Any news, or highlight you want us to note about?
The main news is that our new album is out on October 28th. Worldwide. We will be playing lots of shows. One day our dream is to come to Japan and play a show. We will keep our fingers crossed!

photo Yuichiro Noda text&edit Ryoko Kuwahara
Aipines『Another River』
10/28 on sale

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