Stefan Marxインタビュー

——Please tell us about yourself.
Stefan ——My name is Stefan Marx, I live in Hamburg/Germany where I studied, here I have my studio too where I spend most of my time.

——Please tell us about the tatoo of your drawing. When did you start doing the tatoo on your drawing?
Stefan ——I did my first Tattoo when I was doing a drawing workshop at a Design University in Germany. There was a student who asked me if iIcould draw him something for a Tattoo. I said yes, but he shudl go to a Tattoo Studio to get it done. His friends had a Tattoo machine, and to make a long story short, I happened that I tattooed my drawing directly on his arm. It came out nice and people asked me to tattoo them, and I keep on doing it from time to time, I got my own equipment now and love to do it, I’m always super excited doing it.
——Can you show us your recent favorite work?
Stefan ——Yes! Here are new canvases I made for an exhibition I had! These are 140 cm x 200 cm big.
Stefan「最近作ったのは、140cm x 200cmの大きなキャンバスの作品です。とても気に入っています(3点)」

——Where do you get your inspiration from?
Stefan ——I get my inspiration from traveling and reading, music is also a big part of my inspiration. Talking to people and walking outside is also nice for getting ideas.
——Can you show us some of your animal drawing?
Stefan ——Sure! Here are some drawings I made for my book „The Lousy Animals & Friends Coloring Book“ I published with my friend at Rollo-Press. Drawing animals is always a fun thing to do, also my dog from my Sundaayyyssss drawings is going through some good times mostly.
Stefan「もちろん!これは、 Rollo Pressという出版会社から出た„The Lousy Animals & Friends Coloring Book“という塗り絵の本です。僕は、動物のドローイングをするのが大好きなんです。Sundaayyyssss ドローイングという毎週日曜日に書いている犬のシリーズもあります」

——Can you let us know your recent favorite music?
Stefan ——My recent favorite music comes from my friend Lawrence, he released his album Yoyogi Park on Mule Musiq recently. I did the artwork, it shows a 360 degree drawing of Yoyogi Park. Here is the cover.
Stefan「Mule Musiqというレーベルから出ているローレンスという友人の”Yoyogi Park”という曲ですね。僕が、アルバムカバーをデザインしたのだけれど、 代々木公園の360度のイラストになっています」
——Can you show us your some of music sleeve work you did in the past and which record company it is from?
Stefan ——Yes, I mainly do record covers for Smallville Records, a label from Hamburg friends, founded in 2006. Here are some covers! Also I do covers for Mule Musiq from Toyko.
Stefan「僕がメインで作ってるのは、Smallvilleレコードというハンブルグの友達が2006年に設立した会社です。あとは、東京のMule Musiqのレコードはずっとやっています」

取材・文 Risa Nakazawa /interview & text Risa Nakazawa (
Stefan Marx
ドイツ、ハンブルグを拠点とするアーティスト。スケート・カルチャーで注目され、ファインアートとしても評価が高まる。2010年には地元ハンブルグの歴史ある美術協会Kunst Verein Hamburgにて大規模な個展も開催。スイスの出版社JRP|Ringierからハードカバーのアーティスト・ブックもリリース。

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