飛行機の搭乗券に「SSSS」の記載 →どうなる?

@themobilehomie Here's what SSSS means⬇️ SSSS stands Secondary Security Screening Selection. Basically, on flights to/from the US you can get "randomly" selected to undergo a much higher level of security. For him, this meant separating all of his things from mine, pulling absolutely everything out of his bag, swabbing everything, and then making sure that his laptop turned on (so they could inspect it). Any questions about SSSS? Drop them below⬇️ & follow @themobilehomie for all things travel! What does SSSS mean? What is SSSS? #ssss #travelfails #travelreality #traveltips #traveltip ♬ original sound – Jordyn | Points & Miles✈️
「SSSS」とは「Secondary Security Screening Selection(二次保安検査選出)」もしくは「Secondary Security Screening Selectee(二次保安検査対象者)」の省略形で、追加の保安検査を受けなくてはいけないことを意味しています。
(執筆者: 6PAC)

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