
@mattykjordan I tried to pour a can of coca cola in Antarctica. It was -57°c and it turns out im having frozen coke instead. #antarctica #antarctic #coke #cocacola #cola #cocacolachallenge #slushy #slushie ♬ original sound – Matty Jordan | Antarctica
@mattykjordan This is a time-lapse I took of the night sky above the United States’ McMurdo Station, Antarctica. McMurdo had a night where they turned off some of the external lights to allow better views of the night sky without lights. I set up a timelapse camera on the lookout above to station with the goal of capturing the night sky and the Milky Way’s movement across the sky. I wasn’t expecting to capture the aurora as well, but as is often the case here on clear nights, it made an appearance anyway. I left my camera out in -30°c and came back to it a little bit frozen. After 12 hours of taking 2000 photos, it really was a sacrifice worth making. What do you think? The night sky is pretty spectacular! #aurora #auroraaustralis #antarctica #antartica #mcmurdo #southernlights #milkyway ♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim
@mattykjordan Replying to @Anonymus you wanted a full body ice scarecrow- you got it. #antarctica #antarctic #antartica #scarecrow #frozen #ghost #snow #snowday ♬ original sound – Matty Jordan | Antarctica
@mattykjordan This is the view in Antarctica, right outside where I live. Every single evening when we have a clear sky, the Milky Way Galaxy is visible in the sky. Also visible is the Aurora Australis or the Southern Lights, which will also occur every night, although the strength and brightness changes each day. The opportunities for star gazing and Astro photography are endless, and I will never get bored standing outside watching nature’s light show. The only thing stopping me from staying outside longer, is the temperature. Most evenings are around -40°c now which does get cold if you’re just standing around. The mountain in the back right is Mount Erebus which is a perpetually erupting volcano. It is one of the world’s only volcanoes that has a permanent lava lake. And I get to see it just about every day. In the front are the Scott Base pressure ridges, which form when the frozen ocean (or sea ice) pushes up against the rocky land where our scientific research station is located. These form stunningly beautiful shapes in the ice. Grateful. ♬ original sound – Matty Jordan | Antarctica
@mattykjordan Have you ever seen a “paper” plane made out of frozen t-shirt? Follow me for more fashion tips. #plane #avgeek #antarctica #shirt #paperplane #paperairplane #origami ♬ original sound – Matty Jordan | Antarctica
(執筆者: 6PAC)

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