Archos、G9タブレットのAndroid 4.0アップグレードを開始

ArchosがAndroid 3.2とTI OMAP 4を搭載した10.1インチ/8インチG9タブレットのAndroid 4.0アップグレードを昨日8日より開始しました。対象はG9タブレット全モデル(Classic、Turbo両方)で、更新ファイルはOTAで提供されています。Archosのサポートサイトからでもダウンロード可能です。主な更新内容 Initial Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 firmware release MediaCenter Video: support for MKV3D on TV with automatic switch to best 3D mode MediaCenter Video: allow to disable system notifications in video player MediaCenter Video: collection of VOB files from DVD are now gathered into a single movie item MediaCenter Music: integrate Music control panel in Lock Screen MediaCenter info dialog: allow to edit the name used for performing the Movie and TVShow online search File Manager: display a notification when file copy continues in background File Manager: improved drag and drop support File Manager: new option to prevent indexing of some storage/sdcard folders by multimedia library Applications: more robust video conferencing support (Google talk, Skype etc.) USB file transfer: a samba server is now activated on the tablet when using USB network tethering for easier file transfer on non Windows based hosts Archos widgets: new USB network tether widget External Keyboard: french layout has been expanded to handle AtlGr keys for special symbols Accessories: Xbox gamepad supportSource : Archos

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