Google Play開発者サービスがv5.0にアップデート、Android WearやGoogle Playゲームの新機能などをサポート

GoogleサービスやGoogle Playゲームの中核を担うAndroidアプリ「Google Play開発者サービス」がv5.0にアップデートされました。今回は、v4.4からのメジャーアップデートとなっており、本日より国内外12カ国で予約受付の開始された「LG G Watch」のファームウェア「Android Wear」のサポートが追加されました。また、Google I/O 2014カンファレンスで発表された、Google Playゲームの新機能(Game Profile、データセーブ、クエスト)やGoogle検索やドライブから外部アプリのコンテンツを検索できるようにする「App Indexing API」のサポートも追加されました。このほか、Google Cast、Googleドライブ、Wallet、アナリティクス、広告、セキュリティ機能における機能拡張も行われています。

Services for Android wearables — Your apps can more easily communicate and sync with code running on Android wearables through an automatically synchronized, persistent data store and a reliable messaging interface.Play Games services — Build a great gaming experience with Quests, which allow event-based challenges for players to complete for rewards, Saved Games (a snapshot API allow synchronization of game data along with a cover-image and description), and Game Profile (providing experience points for players).App Indexing API — Surface deep content in your native mobile applications on Google search and drive additional user engagement.Google Cast — Use media tracks to enable closed-caption support for Chromecast.Drive — Sort query results, create offline folders, and select any mime type in the file picker by default.Wallet — Build a “Save to Wallet” button for offers directly into your app; use geo-fenced in-store notifications to prompt the user to show and scan digital cards. Split tender allows payment to be split between Wallet Balance and a credit/debit card in Google Wallet.Analytics — Get insights into the full user journey and understand how different user acquisition campaigns are performing with Enhanced Ecommerce, letting you measure product impressions, product clicks, and more.Mobile Ads — Use improved in-app purchase ads and integrations for the Play store in-app purchase API client.Dynamic Security Provider — Offers an alternative to the platform’s secure networking APIs that can be updated more frequently, for faster delivery of security patches.

Google Play開発者サービス」(Google Playストア)

アディダスはスマートバンド「miCoach Smart Fit」を開発中
Google、Android TVのリモコンアプリをGoogle Playストアにリリース
Moto 360がGoogle I/O 2014会場で展示される(動画あり)

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