NASAが月探査機が撮影した鮮明な月面写真を公開! 月着陸時の動画も話題

NASAと航空宇宙企業Firefly Aerospaceが宇宙船「ブルーゴースト」を月に向けて旅立たせ、無事に月面着陸を成功。月で撮影した鮮明な月面写真を公開し、世界中の人たちが注目している。
NASAとFirefly Aerospaceが月着陸時の動画も公開
また、NASAとFirefly Aerospaceは月着陸時の動画も公開しており、新たな人類の一歩をインターネット上で視聴することが可能となっている。
At this point in our roadtrip, we're 12 hours away from parking our lunar lander on the Moon! Blue Ghost is getting ready to begin a series of descent operations to prepare for a soft touchdown. During these final hours of travel, we'll provide live updates here and on our #BGM1…— Firefly Aerospace (@Firefly_Space) March 1, 2025
That feeling you get when you look out the window and realize you’re almost home! T-4 days until we land in the Moon. Blue Ghost will reach her final destination no earlier than 2:34 am CST on March 2. We’ll start the joint livestream with @NASA at 1:20 am CST, approximately 75…— Firefly Aerospace (@Firefly_Space) February 26, 2025
Blue Ghost’s shadow seen on the Moon’s surface! We’ll continue to share images and updates throughout our surface operations. #BGM1— Firefly Aerospace (@Firefly_Space) March 2, 2025
#BlueGhost has been busy since parking on the Moon! Just in the last two days, the data we've downlinked jumped from 27 GB to 57 GB as we continue @NASA payload operations. This includes deploying Lunar PlanetVac and sampling lunar regolith, deploying the Electrodynamic Dust…— Firefly Aerospace (@Firefly_Space) March 4, 2025
The Moon is so close, we can taste it!New footage from @Firefly_Space shows their lunar lander's view from 60 miles (100 km) above the Moon. Blue Ghost will land at Mare Crisium, on the near side of the Moon, on March 2, no earlier than 3:34am ET (0834 UTC).— NASA Artemis (@NASAArtemis) February 26, 2025
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, and we're feeling good. @Firefly_Space's Blue Ghost lander witnessed lunar sunrise—the start of a new day on the Moon and two weeks of activities, including a lunar eclipse (from the Moon's perspective) and lunar sunset. Let's go!— NASA (@NASA) March 3, 2025
Our lunar delivery initiative is high risk–with the potential for high reward.Shortly after landing in a crater near the lunar South Pole, @Int_Machines’ Athena lander collected data and called an early end of mission at 1:15am ET (0615 UTC) March 7.— NASA (@NASA) March 7, 2025
Coming in for a landing During last week's Moon landing, our SCALPSS cameras captured first-of-its-kind video of the lunar lander’s engine plumes interacting with the Moon’s surface. Read more:— NASA Langley Research Center (@NASA_Langley) March 13, 2025
Sunrise, sunsetSwiftly flows the lunar dayThanks to cameras aboard @Firefly_Space's Blue Ghost lander, we've seen the start and end of a day on the Moon. Check out the science we did in between:— NASA (@NASA) March 19, 2025
(執筆者: クドウ秘境メシ)

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