
the thing I miss most about movie theaters is overhearing someone say the dumbest fucking thing i’ve ever heard before the previews start— Mike Ginn (@shutupmikeginn) August 30, 2020
My wife and I went to see Fast and Furious 27 or whatever, with no context, and about halfway through the movie, The Rock and Vin Diesel had a scene together and she audibly said "Those are two different people?"— cokedrank (@cokedrank) August 30, 2020
I went to go see Bohemian Rhapsody opening weekend, and after the movie I heard someone say "Oooh, this was about Freddie Mercury. I thought that was Bon Jovi."legitimately one of the hardest laughs ive ever had— Rose (@Moon_Chirp) August 31, 2020
when i saw frozen 2 and (spoiler alert) olaf "died", i heard someone crying behind me and i thought it was some little kid and i felt bad until i heard a little kid say "don't cry, mommy!"— elise ‼️ | 8 (@theguiltyones) August 31, 2020
Went to see Love, Simon and a trailer for Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again played. When Cher made her appearance on screen, a teenage girl in front of me turned to her friend and said “oh my god I love Madonna!”.— Zach (@ZachRadhuber) August 31, 2020
「『Love, サイモン 17歳の告白』の上映前に、『マンマ・ミーア! ヒア・ウィー・ゴー』の予告編を観ていた時の話。シェールがスクリーンに映し出されると、前の席の10代の女の子が友達に向かって“オーマイガー!マドンナ最高!”って言い放ったんだよ」
(執筆者: 6PAC)

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