これまでに経験した変わったデートを教えて 皆さん色々とやらかしてますね

what’s the weirdest date you’ve been on??? I’ll go firstwe were going to see a movie and didn’t buy tickets in advance and couldn’t get two tickets next to each other so we ended up sitting on opposite sides of the theater and then the movie ended and we were like cool ok bye— BARTY (@postgrad_barty) 2020年1月19日
ある女性が、「今まで一番変わったデートってどういうの? 私からいくわね。映画デートにいこうとしたら、隣同士のチケットが取れなかったの。結局、デート相手とは離れ離れに座って映画が終わると即解散」というツイートをしたところ、大きな反響を呼んでいます。数多くの人が風変わりなデートをしたことがあるようで、次々に実体験を投稿し合っています。
One time I got set up with a guy through a mutual friend. Before he came to pick me up he said “do you mind if we take my motor cycle?” I was like “sure” so I wore a leather jacket and got all sexy n shit. This boy shows up on a single seat bike and I had to ride in the SIDECAR— Jamie Lee Squirtis (@LaLa_Leasure) 2020年1月19日
Omg I went on a date with a surgeon that I met through work & he took me to Wasabi & didn’t eat himself but watched me eat, then followed my car home with his lights off in the dark.. thinking I wouldn’t notice..then texted me asking if I got home safe yet he saw me get home — bec (@rebeccaadkins_) 2020年1月19日
Went on a date I met with this guy from I don’t even know where. I think I was the weird one in this case because we got drunk at a bar and then somehow ended up in a forest and I had to pee so I peed behind a bush but I have a shy bladder so I made my date sing a song as I peed— rachel☀️ (@rachelgoel) 2020年1月19日
one time i went on a date with a guy i had been basically dating for a few weeks. i was rubbing his back & he came in his pants— bryanna (@bumblebryx) 2020年1月19日
She showed up to a bar in full 1950s costume and makeup and said she saw on my profile that I liked the show Mad Men so she dressed like that???— Matt Grippi (@MattGrippi) 2020年1月19日
(執筆者: 6PAC)

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