10年前の自分へメッセージ #DearMeTenYearsAgo
Travel a lot more.#DearMeTenYearsAgo pic.twitter.com/9jd24r3QIS— EL (@Epitome_Logic) 2019年5月11日
#DearMeTenYearsAgo You’re going to go through some really really horrible things and you’re going to think you can’t make it through, but don’t stop fighting. Also some really great things happen…remember that Dr that said you would never have children…he was so wrong. pic.twitter.com/JEzEkHolcu— M.C. (@zombiecupcake30) 2019年5月15日
「やり遂げることができないと思うほど、大変なことを色々経験することになるけど、戦うことをやめないで。本当に素晴らしい事も起きるから。子供を持つ事はできないって言った医者を覚えてる? 彼は大間違いだったのよ」
#DearMeTenYearsAgo Don’t change a thing. You’ll have some of the greatest experiences of your life; you’ll love and lead and succeed and fail. You’ll hurt like never before, feel pain like never before. You’ll learn. You’ll grow. You’ll be high. You’ll be low. Life is incredible pic.twitter.com/bDX5P2MFhx— Jeremy Hannay (@HannayJeremy) 2019年5月11日
#DearMeTenYearsAgo the winning numbers for the May 23, 2009 Powerball drawing, which was for $198,600,000 and had no winners, are as follows: 19-23-34-52-57-21-5— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) 2019年5月10日
#DearMeTenYearsAgoThat girl you married in 2006… best decision of your life. pic.twitter.com/qjHe2hSoRl— Joe Martin (@joeDmarti) 2019年5月11日
#DearMeTenYearsAgo. Can you imagine that one of these days you’ll be streaming movies on that thing?! pic.twitter.com/QF1dwJHcqj— Celleo (@Celleo3) 2019年5月13日
#DearMeTenYearsAgo It’ll take you a decade to finish that masters degree you just started, but it’s going to happen, and with these guys by your side. pic.twitter.com/up7VoHEuYQ— Abby Perry (@abbyjperry) 2019年5月11日
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