The Creatures Issue : Interview with Toshihiro Iijima



Ultra Q and its main character Ultraman were first created in 1966. Currently, 52 years since it first aired, the series continues to move its audience members, through its dramatic plots and the powerful underlying social messages conveyed by its characters.Director Guillermo del Toro, who calls himself a “creature evangelist”, grew up watching Ultraman on his TV and says that the kaiju monsters on the show greatly inspired him. del Toro since received the first-ever Oscar Award given to a monster movie, for The Shape of Water.In addition, audiences can clearly see the influence of Iijima’s work in other recent movies as well, such as director Alexander Payne’s Downsizing, which is about shrinking humans as a solution to overpopuation. This plot is similar to the the “⅛ Project” in Ultra Q.NeoL interviewed Toshihiro Iijima, the creator of the Baltan Seijin that appear in both Ultra Q and the first Ultraman series. We asked him about how his takes on nature,science, the universe and social issues have given birth to kaiju monsters, and his future plans.


——First of all, how were you first introduced to the genre of monster movies?


“I think it all began with Godzilla (1954). At first, I didn’t expect too much from the movie,but when I watched it, I was moved by how Ishiro Honda (who has produced many monster movies with Toho Entertainment) tackles the topic of bomb experiments. I could not forget about how the gorillas, who had been living peacefully, took over the earth after the humans conducted the bomb experiments. That was what started my fascination with monsters. Director Eiji Tsuburaya said that he grew up watching King Kong, and that is another famous monster movie. It’s sad to watch King Kong being attacked by people for simply standing on top of the Empire State Building. I think that kind of sorrow has influenced Eiji Tsuburaya’s work.”


——Definitely. I felt that kind of sorrow in Shin Godzilla (2016), too.


“Director Hideaki Anno said that he was scared when he watched Ultraman as a child, but I think he also values portraying primitiveness in his works, including Shin Godzilla.
I think we portray primitiveness when we want a work to have universality, so in that way, Shin Godzilla followed into Godzilla’s footsteps.”


——I definitely feel that those aspects are strongly reflected in your pieces, but is there anything you keep in mind when creating characters?


“I communicate with the child within me and I am writing to him. When I connect with my inner child, I am naturally able to create characters and ideas that contain sorrow and delicacy, as opposed to ones that are overwhelmingly powerful.
In addition, I think it is important to make sure that I am creating works that are easy for their audiences to comprehend. For example, I owned children’s science magazines,so that I could be aware of how much scientific knowledge a typical child has and worked within that framework. In the past, it was common to have many siblings and parents usually spoiled their eldest child, so the younger siblings read hand-me- down books. I was the third son, so I became big-headed from reading my older brother’s books. As a writer, I think about such situations that children are placed in and try to write from their perspectives.”


——It seems like you really value children’s perspectives.


“When I was a child, I watched all different kinds of movies; in addition to war movies like The War at Sea from Hawaii to Malaya (Director Eiji Tsuburaya / 1942), I watched a lot of comedies and samurai movies before the war. I think the pop culture of that time inspired me to become a creator. When I won an award for a radio play in college and I saw how happy that made my family, I decided then that I will never make anything that they won’t understand. That’s why I make mainstream work.
In fact, the pose that Ultraman makes when he shoots Specium Ray is also heavily influenced by pop culture. It’s not something that you can come up with by thinking rationally. I draw from some influences and throw in some intuitive ideas. From there,people interpret meanings like “This pose has both plus and minus versions” or “That serves both offensive and defensive purposes.” It’s always interesting to see what kind of explanations people come up with.
I originally wasn’t supposed to work on Ultraman and it was decided last minute. So,even though the episode I worked on with the Baltan Seijin aired as the second one, it was actually shot before the first one. Ultraman was a new original superhero and I had no clue yet about who he was, so I felt a lot of responsibility and pressure about my ideas becoming the foundation for future stories. I was unsure about my vision for Ultraman, but when I went to a screening in Hokkaido, the children were so into it that they even sang along to the theme song at the end. WIth children, it’s so obvious whether they enjoy something or not, so it was honestly a relief to see them reacting so enthusiastically. That positive response, along with the primitiveness portrayed in the stories, made me certain that Ultraman is quality entertainment, and I was so happy that I cried tears of joy.”


——What kind of mindset did you have going into the challenge of creating something like Ultraman, which is unlike anything that has come before it?



“I am curious about making new things. I tend to think, “This is interesting. Let’s try it!”when entering an unfamiliar world. There was immense pressure, but I’m also the type of person who also enjoys the responsibility and thinks, “If no one else is going to do it, I am!” Whatever happens, happens. I’m also stubborn in that I don’t want to copy anyone. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m not inspired by other works; for example,earlier, I mentioned some movies that I watched as a child. You can trace back a long
I think this curiosity of the unknown is also reflected in the process of creating kaiju characters. For children to not view the kaiju, who look very different from them, as the enemies of humans, it was important to tap into their innate curiosity about others.
For example, personally, as someone involved in the entertainment industry, I have found myself becoming closer to people working in different genres or of a different generation when I discovered similarities with them, over some drinks. You can find similarities with people who seem to live in a world that is very different from your’s, if you talk to them, and start to feel more comfortable. I think that is similar to getting to know the monsters. An experience that comes to mind is when my college English professor took me to a bookstore where American military wives sold used books. I was shocked to read a book by Erskin Caldwell that portrayed poor Americans suffering in poverty. Until then, I thought that all Americans were filthy rich, living glamorous lives with multiple cars, and that that was why Japan lost the war. That book made me realize that like Japan, there are Americans of all classes, from the extremely wealthy to the working class.”


——It’s fascinating that your character-making is influenced by finding similarities with other people.


“I guess it’s all about drawing from and building upon personal experiences. For example, there have been some conversations that sparked ideas. I was talking to Tetsuo Kinjo (a scriptwriter, who worked on the first Ultraman series), who is from Okinawa, about the Land of Light, where Ultraman lives. He told me about a place that Okinawans believe in called Nirai Kanai, which is different from heaven. It is a place
somewhere on earth beyond the mountains and the seas that people can go to for blessings in times of need. Originally, the Land of Light had been imagined to be a utopia, but this conversation transformed and solidified my image of it. Ultraman is not a warrior from outer space, but a savior who came from a place like Nirai Kanai to rescue humans.”


——So the Land of Light was not originally based on another planet.


“Exactly. I think people from previous generations carried the image that life on other planets is far more technologically advanced than on Earth, and that aliens will come invade us. The Earth was always the victim. However, around when Ultra Q came out,we started becoming more aware of environmental issues like pollution and realized that we might actually be the culprits causing damage. Our mindsets shifted to thinking,“The monsters didn’t come here because they wanted to.””


——As you mentioned, Ultra Q and the first Ultraman series brought attention to important social issues decades before we really started addressing them. What kind of social issues and themes do you believe we need to think about now?


“I think the most important social issue we need to face is extreme economic activity,which I also address in the stories about Baltan Seijin. I think we should stop around where are now. For example, we created LED technology to save energy. Yet, we now use LED to light up the night sky, which is already naturally beautiful. To think about this on a more universal level, I think extreme economic activities and globalization lead to wars. We fight over who’s right or wrong and forget to focus on the fundamental problems, ending up further from resolutions.
The “⅛ Project” (*1) in Ultra Q addresses the consequences of extreme economic activity. There’s a new American movie called Downsizing (*2) which has a similar plot,and it made me think about how very little has changed since 1966, when the “⅛ Project” was created. I don’t know why there aren’t more Japanese movies that address similar social issues. Recently, I was making a story about Baltan Seijin downsizing despite having the capacity to grow bigger, but I guess I have to change the plot now that Downsizing is out. Their society is much more technologically advanced, so they shrink themselves to save energy. I think this is true social progress,compared to our current society, which continues to waste energy in order to increase economic activity.”


——I think that the value of self-discipline (*3) that the Baltan Seijin live by is a universal theme. It’s relevant to everyone, regardless of age or gender.


“I think right now is our last opportunity to change. We have to stop ourselves now. The idea that society is dysfunctional if there isn’t constant economic growth is illogical. A cycle that needs to be constantly growing economically is not ideal.
I think many of you may feel this way, but people often go too far without realizing it.
The Baltan Seijin’s philosophy of self-discipline means that they are not going to rescue the earth; everyone should solve their own planet’s problems. Not all planets have to evolve in the same way, but rather, make do with what they have. That is the message I am trying to convey through the Baltan Seijin.”


*1 Ultra Q, episode 17 “The ⅛ Project” (1966). In response to overpopulation, the
government decides to shrink humans to ⅛ of their previous sizes and make them live
in District S13. Residents have been absolved from responsibilities and are allowed to
live freely.


*2 Downsizing (2017). In response to overpopulation, people are shrunk to being 13 cm tall. People who agree to be shrunk get to live utopian lives where they do not have to worry about money.

(注3)”自らを省みて、自らを裁く、自分のことは自分で 処し、自国のことは自国で処

*3 “To examine one’s self, to judge one’s self, to punish one’s self. To manage our land by ourselves, and for people on earth to do the same.” This is a message that Director Iijima wanted to communicate to both current and former children. (from his book, Baltan Seijin wo Shitteimasuka?)

Toshihiro IIjima
Born in Tokyo in 1932, Toshihiro IIjima started working at KRT (currently TBS) in 1957,when he belonged in the movie department. There, he was a scriptwriter and director for Tsuburuya Productions and International Television Films, Inc. From 1992, he was the president of KInoshita Productions (currently DREAMAX Television) and currently freelances. At Tsuburuya Productions, he directed pieces such as Ultra Q, Ultraman,Ultra Seven, and Invasion of Astro-Monster, His other works include dramas like Naite Tamaruka and Kinyoubi no Tsumatachi e and movies Daigoro vs Goliath and Homecoming.
Baltan Seijin no Moto ni (Fuujinsha, 1997)





『ウルトラマン誕生大作戦』日本経済新聞 朝刊文化欄(2016年2月19日)


photography Masakazu Yoshiba
interview&edit Ryoko Kuwahara,Shiki Sugawara

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