Interview with Starcrawler

Starcrawler1 | Photography : Riku Ikeya








Starcrawler3 | Photography : Riku Ikeya





Starcrawler5 | Photography : Riku Ikeya




アロウ「ありがとう! 今回のアルバムでは多様性を持たせることを意識して、ダークな曲もあれば、「I Love LA」のようにポップなものだったり、「Tears」のように悲しい曲があったり、そうした1曲1曲の違いを感じてもらえるんじゃないかな」

Starcrawler7 | Photography : Riku Ikeya




Starcrawler6 | Photography : Riku Ikeya







アロウ「あとは、私たちのようなバンドで成り立っているようなシーンかな。こと、LAのシーンに関しては、サーフロックが流行っていたり、パンクロックやシンセロックも盛んだったりするけど、私たちのようなバンドは他にいないかな(笑)。ただ、ここ最近は、ツアーでLAを留守にしていることが多くなって、PINKY PINKYのような友達のバンド以外はライヴを観る機会も減ってるから、なんとも言えないかも」

ティム「あとは、ストーナーバンドのThe Shrineとか?」


Starcrawler | Photography : Riku Ikeya




photography Riku Ikeya
text Yu Onoda
edit Ryoko Kuwahara

(Rought Trade/Beat Records)

tower records:

iTunes Store:
Apple Music:

Starcrawler2 | Photography : Riku Ikeya

ーー I heard the gig last night was a blast. How was it?

Arrow: It was really fun.

Tim: It was great.

ーーAre you tired?

Tim: I’m not tired but I don(t know why I’m spacing out (laughs).

ーーI thought that this album is the record that the explosion of feelings are captured so well. I think it’s a great album, but what kind of record did you guys actually want to make?

Arrow: We tried to capture the energy of live. It’s all recorded live. We wanted yo capture the energy of live shows, so basically wanted to capture ourselves.

ーー In rock ’n’ roll history, capturing live energy has always been the challenge. I don’t think it’s easy. But was is easy for you guys? Or difficult?

Arrow: Not really

Tim: At the end of the day, we were tired and we kinda lost the energy, but..

Arrow: But we practiced a lot so it was pretty easy and the energy was captured naturally.

Starcrawler10 | Photography : Riku Ikeya

ーーYou can’t correct or edit anything at all when you record analog. How did you guys enjoy it?

Tim: It was fun.

Arrow: Yeah. It kind of made the recording more exciting. If it’s digital, it’s hard to decide when to stop because you can fix and can’t be sure what’s perfect. But with analog, you really have to know how to get the take. You can make something better because you care about it more.

ーー Now we’re in this digital era, so we try to eliminate waste more and more. When you’re used to it, you can be bothered by analog. You never felt that way?

Tim: Not really. Tape is just really good because it’s all about one take. That makes us think more and I think it’s more cohesive. It really captures the energy.

Starcrawler4 | Photography : Riku Ikeya

ーーThe single is produced by Steve from Redd Cross, and the album is produced by Ryan Adams. Both of them are rock stars. What did you guys learn through working with them?

Arrow: They were pretty different. Steve is more kind of like.. We just went and recorded. He didn’t change much of it, but he’s an amazing engineer. He played bass on it and he knew how to make big sounding. And Ryan is more like producer like. He always has ideas and always and he wanted us to try that. But he wasn’t forcing or something. That was really goof.

ーー Starcrawler is a rock ’n’ roll band. There are many types of rock ’n’ roll approaches, and I think you guys album is simple but has variety.

Arrow: Oh thank you.

ーーWere you guys conscious about that?

Tim: I think so.

Arrow: Be cohesive and not to be different. Heavy and dark but poppy and happy. We didn’t want every single song to be exactly the same.

Starcrawler9 | Photography : Riku Ikeya

ーーI see names such as Ozzy Osbourne, Iggy Pop, The Cramps, Alice Cooper in your interviews. All of them were so big in the 70’s, it was 40 years ago. You guys are still young but how do you appreciate that type of music?

Arrow: They are cool. Those are the bands and artists who inspire all of us and I listen to.

ーーThere aren’t many wild people like them anymore in the work now don’t you think? It’s not easy to be like that in this era I think.

Arrow: I don’t know. We’re doing it so there must be someone else doing that definitely. You just have to do it right. I guess if you’re doing it right other people can enjoy it more.

Tim: Just being guanine as an artist and really caring about music is the key.

ーー Now hip hop is popular all over the world, or dance music is popular at music festivals. There are so many types of music nowadays as choices but why did you guys choose rock ’n’ roll?

Arrow: That’s the music I get inspired by and made me want to make music. So I didn’t think of anything else.

Tim: It’s kinda like supernatural thing. That’s really I think about when I play instruments.

Starcrawler8 | Photography : Riku Ikeya

ーーWhat do you think about recent rock ’n’ roll scene?

Arrow: There aren’t not enough bands. That’s it. I know it’s getting popular again but it’s not big enough as well.

Tim: I guess there are lots of good musicians. Especially when it comes to songwriting. There’re lots of creative songwriters. And also cool bands.

ーーI think lots of rock ’n’ roll bands are making super clean sound lately. The sound is so fine and it feels like those are products more than sound. But I think your album is very raw and that’s why I think the record is amazing. So thought there might be something you guys want to complain about rock ’n’ roll music scene nowadays.

Arrow: I mean, there’s not much of scene. There aren’t enough bands.

ーー I saw names like Skating Polly in your interviews as well, and you guys have been playing with bands like Lemmon Twigs. Which means you guys are close to some bands from the same generations but what are the young bands or artists from LA like?

Arrow: There are lots of bands and lots of different scenes. I don’t know well but I think surf rock or punk rock is popular. Synth rock as well.

ーーSo there no bands who are cooler than Starcrawler (laughs)?

Arrow: I don’t know (laughs). I just don’t know lots of bands. We’ve been out of town for a long time. But sometimes we play with some bands from LA who are friends of ours like Pinky Pinky or The Shrines whose music is more metal and also rock ’n’ roll . I like playing with friends.

ーー To be successful as a band, what do you think is important?

Tim: Just to reach a lot of audiences.

ーー To achieve that, what do you think you need to do?

Tim: Just tour (laugh). I guess so. And to make every show great.

Arrow: Just play a lot of shows and try to get our music out there.

ーーRock is music but also a lifestyle and culture. What do you think about that a aspect of rock ’n’ roll?

Arrow: I don’t really think. If you think, it’s not genuine. Trying to be rock ’n’ roll is not rock ’n’ roll.

ーーThis is the last and stupid question. If you have to change your band name, what name would you choose?

Arrow: Coming up our band name was so hard already. So I don’t know (laughs).

Tim: Timothy Franco or Tim’s (laughs). My name (laughs).

Arrow: It took us a month to come up with the band name. So I don’t wanna do that again (laughs).

photography : Riku Ikeya
text : Yu Onoda
edit: Ryoko Kuwahara

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