NY Issue : Interview with Meguru Yamaguchi

NeoL_MEGURU_PORTRAIT_BW_02  | Photography : Diego Garcia




――NYと日本で一番大きく違うと感じた点は? 先ほどおっしゃっていた芸大を出ていなくても、というところでしょうか。

山口「それが知れば知るほど、意外と学歴が重視される社会で(笑)。NYのダイチプロジェクトでの展示で見て衝撃を受けたクリスティン・ベイカーもイェール大学を出ていたり、感覚的な印象を受ける人たちのほうが一流大学出ていて。だからこそ自由にできている気もしますし、逆にNYのほうが学歴社会なんだなというのは来てから感じました。ただここ5~6年でソーシャルメディアによって一変しましたよね。自分で発信できてしまうので、国境や学歴が関係なくなってきている。どこをベースにしているかという意味での場所は重要だとは思いますが、どの国にいようと優れたアーティストはSNSですぐにピックアップされるし、死んでから評価されるというパターンは現代ではあまりない。NYのアートシーンもここ数年で中堅ギャラリーが軒並みクローズしていますし、大手ギャラリーとの格差が顕著になってきていると思います。ミレニアル世代のアーティストはSNSで発信できてそこで売買して完結してしまったり、ブルックリンにも若いアーティストが自分たちで経営するギャラリーも増えました。以前名和晃平さんにお会いしたときに『これからは個人がメディアになる時代だからね』とおっしゃっていて、どういう意味なのかなとずっと考えていたんですが、こういうことだったのかなと。しかしながら大部分のアーティストの目標は未だにDavid ZwinerやMary booneのような大手ギャラリーで展示することだと思うんですよ。スタートアップのギャラリーが増え、中堅ギャラリーがクローズして、大手だけが残って行くなかで、架け橋の無くなった若手がどうやってそのシーンに切り込んで行くかが課題だと思っています」





――確かに日本では両者の区分がはっきりして交わらないかもしれませんね。失礼な話かもしれませんが、「Meguru Yamaguchi」で検索するとまず「価格」と出てくる。それはなかなかファインな感じがして(笑)。


NeoL_MEGURU_STUDIO_COLOR02  | Photography : Diego Garcia



















NeoL_MEGURU_STUDIO_COLOR01 | Photography : Diego Garcia










photography Diego Garcia
text & edit Ryoko Kuwahara

NeoL_MEGURU_PORTROAIT_COLOR01 | Photography : Diego Garcia

—First of all, tell about your aspiration and motivation to become a painter and what the process was like until you moved to NY. Seems like you liked Akira Toriyama.

“That’s right. I still love Akira Toriyama but I will never be able to be as good as him. So I decided not to become a manga illustrator. I also knew fashion wasn’t my thing either because my father was a fashion designer and I saw that he was constantly busy. That’s why drawing is my only choice. I started working towards my goal of becoming a painter because I thought I would be able to show my goodness, while having fun and doing interesting things. I have loved art since I was little, but I had phases where I was just playing around so I didn’t become really serious until I graduated from high school. I worked really hard to concrete the basic in sketching and oil painting, but I failed the university entrance exams. But I could not think objectively at the point. There’s a mindset that you have to go to an art school in order to become an artist in Japan. In reality, there’s only a few that succeed after working really hard like the people who are in the famous Yoshitomo Nara’s class. Seeing those kind of realities, I started to wonder if I could become an artist without taking the the existing route. That’s when I coincidentally got the opportunity to meet MATZU, where I was an assistant at an exhibition in Tokyo. I asked him a lot of things, and learned that there is much more freedom in NY unlike Japan. That’s why I came to NY by impulse when I was 23. I actually think I was able to come because I was 23.”

—What were the major differences between NY and Japan that you felt? As you just mentioned, was is how you were able to succeed without having gone to university?

“Actually to my surprise, the more I expected I came to realize that academic backgrounds were put in consideration quite a lot. (laughs) Most of the people who gave me sensual impressions had graduated from the best known schools, like Christian Baker, who impacted me at the Daichi Project exhibition in New York, has graduated from Yale University. I think that that’s what allows them to have freedom, and I did not realize how much New York is a school-oriented society until I came here. But things have changed in the past 5 to 6 years due social media. National borders and academic backgrounds do not matter anymore because social media has enabled us to post things ourselves. Location is important in the sense of where an artist is based, but all talented artists receive attention on social media in no time regardless of which country they’re at. Nowadays, there are fewer cases in which an artist gets attention after their death. Rows of middle class galleries have been closing down the past few years, and I think the difference between them and the big corporations have become remarkable. Artists of the millennial generation post their works on SNS and just end it there, and more and more young artists have started to run their own galleries in Brooklyn. When I last met Kouhei Nawa he said ‘From now and on it’s going to be a generation where individuals are the media`, and I had been thinking what that actually means for a while, but I think this it was he was talking about. In spite of that, I think many artists still aim to exhibit their works at big museums like David Zwiner and Mary Boone did. With start-up galleries increasing, middle class galleries closing down, and major museums being the only ones remaining, I think the task for young artists, who have lost an intermediator, is to figure out how to get into the scene.“

–On the other hand, you mentioned that where they are based is important and I really understand. In Japan, I feel like there is a lot of respect for artists abroad. Like there are a lot of artists whose names sell due to reimport.

“I can’t deny the fact that I am able to take action like this because I am New York. (laughs) Japanese people have a lot of yearning towards NY, like being based in Brooklyn could sound attractive to them. I guess the condition can alter by the way how good something sounds.”

NeoL_MEGURU_STUDIO_COLOR02  | Photography : Diego Garcia

–Right now, I guess your works are seen as fine art?

“I am not sure how my works are being seen, but I intend to be in the middle. For example, KAWS is recently is being raised by the art industry in Japan, but he used to be a street art when I was 20 years old. He has created cool art, collaborated with Nike, and that was shown the most as fine art in America. I want to be like him. I feel like that’s not very common in Japan.

–That’s true how the division of both sides isn’t exchanged very cleary. This may come off rude, but ‘price’ comes up first when I search ‘Meguru Yamaguchi’. I thought it was pretty fine. (laughs)

“Yeah, it’s something to appreciate. I don’t belong to it, but there are a few galleries that handle my works and at first the price appeared but I am concealing it right now. So, I guess that’s why everyone searches it. That’s also one way of being seen as well as behave on social media.”

– I see. Your works are very powerful in terms of visuals, and I think that makes it very captivating.

“That’s something I take into serious consideration. I started mural painting recently, but my reason for that was I intended it stand out on Instagram. Things that catch people’s attention are big objects. When I’m looking at my timeline I instantly like photos of buildings, the sky, and huge art. Works with a strong contrasts as well. Starting mural painting at 30 years old is crazy but I just went for it even though it might have been kind of late.”

–I thought it was very NY to make something big. This might come off rude once again, but the price gets higher as the bigger it is.

“Houses are bigger, so the size of art that they can put up naturally becomes bigger too. If that sells, artist can purchase bigger studios too. In those terms, is there is righteous to the size of art. “

–When did you begin mural painting?

“I got the opportunity to do a mural painting for CHARI & CO in 2013, but it was always just trial and error. After that, I got the opportunity to do one for Rag & Bone and it looked really nice in person, but there wasn’t enough impact when I saw it online. I thought about that for about 4 years, and I thought I want to stick to painting in a small square canvas. Then I noticed that I have to be a purpose of a part of the city. When I tried to paint in that scale and painted on the studio wall, I knew I was doing the right thing because I started to get offers.”

–Looking at your works, I thought that you must like Futura as well.

“I love it. After all, street art has impacted me greatly. But I am sure Futura would not have passed the entrance exam for Japanese art universities. At the end of the day, there’s difference in culture. Futura’s style is definitely cool, but there’s some other value to it too. It’s real because it connects to music and fashion, not just paintings. Hip Hop is an everyday affair in New York. It’s completely different when foreigners do it with just the understanding of the surface level, and the people here do the real thing. Paradoxically, that is why the street culture created in Japan is interesting. Just like ukiyoe became something original after the national isolation in the Edo period, there are good things about isolation, and sometimes copied things can develop into something original. So I can’t say where it’s good or bad, but the development of social media is kind of ruining that.”

–In terms of music, music similar to western music is evaluated very harshly, but genres that have developed a sense of originality like Visual-kei are accepted more easily so I think people want originality. I feel like your works are neither just Japanese nor foreign influenced.

“Yeah, it’s a mixture of everything. I did calligraphy initially, but I have learned european painting from the basics, so I guess all of my experiences is exposed in it. It kind of has a similar layering to a mixed CD.”

–Moreover, you can think like a producer.

“Maybe. When I thought about what won’t obsolete, I stumbled to stroke. Strokes remain in Gogh’s works, and all generations and countries have strokes. I thought if I master this, it would be more than just fashion. So, I did draw every day for ten years.”

–Ten years since you were 23 years old?

“Yes. I did it at least once a day and practiced all the time in order to master a stroke that only I can do. I was doing for fun, but look back at it I realized that I was doing it because I wanted originality that would not obsolete.”

–In order to accentuate the stroke of the brush, were materials such as acrylic and epoxy resin on wood suitable?

“Yes. I wasn’t good with oil paint because it doesn’t dry quickly, but acrylic dries really fastly.”

–It’s 3D so it looks very nice visually. Do you use spray paint as well?

“Spray paint is just a layer. I use a little bit of it to add the goodness of street. You don’t use spray paint in oil painting, but I was influenced by street art so I incorporated it into my works. That’s also a way of branding. For me, branding is searching for what I think is cool, delving into it, and solidifying it. It’s not to become famous. At one point, I realized that the works that sell are the ones that my heart is satisfied with. It’s not overconfidence, but in my experience the things that I thought about selling while making it don’t sell well and the things that I made because I genuinely thought looked cool actually did, so that became my basis. That’s why I only focus on making a good piece of art.”

NeoL_MEGURU_STUDIO_COLOR01 | Photography : Diego Garcia

–Yet I am still very interested in why the mixed works of yours were accepted. The acceptance of Ukioe is easy to understand, but it also has an essence of Western influence so I thought it would be be seen critically.

“That’s probably because I’m Japanese. We possess a mixed culture. Even when it comes to food, Japanese people take in a foreign culture and make it even better than the original. Things like sampling and mixes are really special. I don’t that I’m particularly talented, but I always keep aware, and I have visited galleries in Japan and in America to see works of artists from all around the world ever since I was a child up to this day. I also see contemporary art on Instagram every day. I have gotten so much input, so I have a feeling that I can make something really cool for sure if I made use of that. Just like you would be able to make good mix tape if you had listened to a lot of good quality music. It’s kind of like that.”

–Besides the good taste you obtain, I think it’s really important that you continued working on your stroke for over ten years.

“Being able to pursuit in one particular thing is vital in order to differentiate from others and attain attention on social media. Having studied the basics thoroughly has widen my opportunities. I wonder what will happen if the number of people who don’t know the basics nor the courtesy because they were spoiled by social media became really large. Human relations have even more important than before. I think faithful artists remain because this generation allows us to connect with famous people through social media. What I am worried about in the art scene is that it’s enables us to see what is being exhibited at galleries on our timelines and it makes us think that we went there, including myself. This is yet another paradox, but despite the fact that the internet is hitting its peak, the power of art that cannot be conveyed through the screen is something that I believe in.”–This generation is a big transition period, isn’t it?

“Yeah. I feel like i have to do something different from 3 or 4 years ago. That’s why I’m always trying out new things like moral paintings. In the past 2 years, I started a series of 3-D handwriting as well. That’s also something I absorbed from Instagram, but it’s interesting to think how I can make that my own, share it, and how other people will react to it when they see it on their iPhone screens. Especially since it has become a generation that anybody and everybody has the ability to become famous, it’s really important to put in a lot of effort to create something that will make people say “wow” when they see it. I am always thinking what will make others people say “way”, but I enjoy attaining a variety of skills as well as endurance. I think I can still enjoy doing for awhile.”

–You’re strong, fast, smart, and even more you have the basics and the patience. Amazing. Lastly, is there anything I can annouce?

“I have a few big projects planned for next year. I had four solo projects this year, so I didn’t do any exhibitions, and instead I’m experimenting with some new things at the moment. I’m starting a huge mural painting on a historical main street in Bronx at the beginning of next year. I want to paint insanely enormous walls and feel excitement from that all the time.”

Meguru Yamaguchi

photography Diego Garcia
text & edit Ryoko Kuwahara

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