WOMAN IN LA ISSUE : Interview with Lilian Martinez
![NeoL_LilianM_01 | Photography : Dan Monick](https://getnews.jp/extimage.php?28e253b0b032b9cc311b8556105ac84c/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.neol.jp%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2Fweb-17_7_28_LilianM_01-620x777.jpg)
![NeoL_LilianM_02 | Photography : Dan Monick](https://getnews.jp/extimage.php?f7b0aaf445e6aeab32de54ccb7b9e2c6/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.neol.jp%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F09%2Fweb-17_7_28_LilianM_02-620x780.jpg)
アート、音楽、ファッションーーLAカルチャーが再び注目を集めているなか、NeoLではLAを拠点として活躍する女性クリエイターに焦点を当て、それぞれのキャリアや作品について、そして都市の魅力を聞く小特集を敢行。第一弾はインスタグラムでも世界中に多くのフォロワーを持つアーティストLilian Matinezをピックアップ。
– LAに住んでどれくらい?
– それ以前はどこに住んでいたの?
– LAではどんな仕事をしているの?
Lilian「LAで私はアートブランド のスタジオ兼お店を運営しているわ。そこでは、手に入りやすく機能的なプロダクトを販売しているの。例えばブランケットだったり、クッションだったり、タオルだったり、生活に少しでも潤いを与え、美しさを足してくれるようなものね。私はデザインから工場への発注、在庫管理や配送作業全てを行っているけど、夫であるDanにはかなり助けられているわ。力仕事などは特に。(笑)ギャラリーやアートフェアでは、私の絵画、陶器も展示販売しているわ」
– 様々な業務の中でもどの部分が好き?
– 今何か新しいものは作っているの?
– あなたは夫であるDanからアドバイスやアイディアを受けたりしますか?
– いつ、どのようにこの仕事 を始めたの?
– LAではあなたのやりたいことが出来てる感じかしら?
– あなたのスタジオはチャイナタウンにあって、様々なデザイナーやアーティストと出会う機会があると思うけど、そういった人たちから刺激を受けたりする?
– 旅が好きと言っていたけど、最近はどこに行ったりしたの?
– LAのどんなところが好きですか?
Lilian「LAは大都市だけど、自然が常に近くにあるのが好き。1、2時間車を運転するだけで、森や砂漠に行くこともできるし、海や湖にだって行ける。そういった自然が近くにあるというだけで、どういうわけか毎日頑張ろうって思うの。The Getty CenterやHammer Museumなどの美しい美術館もあるし。インディペンデントなギャラリーでいうと、Ochi Projectもあるわね。いつも良い展示をやっているのよ。私も去年そこで個展をしたの」
– LAのオススメはありますか?
Lilian「博物館の他にはKAZUNORIというレストランかな。そこは珍しく温かいお米で作った手巻き寿司を提供しているの。そこの手巻き寿司はとてもシンプルだけど、本当に最高よ!確か寿司レストランSugar Fishの姉妹店だったと思うわ。ダウンタウンにあって、私が大好きな『LAST BOOKS』も歩いてすぐなの。LAにいるときは基本的に自炊をするけど、旅に出た際は、いろいろなレストランや食を試すようにしてるわ。私は経験としての”食べること”からもインスピレーションを受けるから」
– 今後の予定は?
Lilian Martinez:http://lilianmartinez.com/
photography Dan Monick
text by commune
Lilian Martinez Exhibition リリアン・マルティネス 個展
Clay Architecture クレイ アーキテクチャー
2017年9月29日(金) – 10月9日(月/祝) ※休み: 10月2日(月)
電話: 03.5738.7281 営業時間 7:30am – 6:00pm
インスタグラムを通して世界中に多くのファンをもち、見る人触れる人を一瞬にして虜にしてしまう L.A.のブランド 〈bfgf〉のクリエイター Lilian Martinez が初来日し、日本初個展『Clay Architecture』を開催。 印象的な葉、バナナ、バスケットボール、有名スポーツブランドのロゴやアメリカの国民的キャラクターなどが共 存するユニークで神秘的な世界を表現する彼女。 〈bfgf〉の代名詞でもあるブランケットやクッションはもちろん、本展でリリースされる限定ラグマット、本邦初公開 となる原画やセラミック作品も展示販売される。
平面から立体まで Lilian の作り上げる幻想的な世界を楽しめる。
主催・企画: commune / commune Press
国内外のアーティストを紹介してきた新代田のgallery communeを2015年6月で閉鎖し、現在は出版レーベル commune Pressと主に週末限定で営業するzineやアートブックに特化したセレクトショップを運営。各国のArt Book Fairへの出展、国内外の展示キュレーション、アーティストマネージメントを手掛ける。
http://www.ccommunee.com/ instagram:@ccommunee
– How long have you lived in LA?
It will be three years in August since I moved here.
-Where did you live before that?
I lived in Cincinnati, Ohio because my husband Dan was working there as a photographer. Before that I went to an art school in Chicago.
– What do you do for work in LA?
In LA, I have a studio and a store for my art brand, “bfgf”. I sell affordable and functional art objects like blankets, pillows and towels and things that will enrich your daily life, and add beauty to it. I am basically in charge of everything from designing, ordering and doing inventory management to shipping. But my husband, Dan helps me a lot, especially with the physical stuff. My paintings, drawings and ceramics are sold at galleries and art fairs. That’s basically what I do LA.
-Which parts do you like the best among your various tasks?
My favorite is designing and drawing. I think creating new art products by drawing.
-Are you working on something new right now?
I am making a new towel. It is a different size from before, and it is more colorful. I am also collaborating with Commune to make a rug mat. (It will be released at the show in Tokyo in Sep). I’m very excited to see what’s gonna look like in person
– Your husband Dan is a photographer, right?
Yes, he’s photographer. He helps me a lot, and it’s really convenient and wonderful to have someone who is familiar with archive photography, like e-commerce photography, not only lifestyle photography. Because that can be very expensive if we ordered someone else to do it. We always help each other out, and enjoy the process together.
– Do you get ideas and advice from him?
Yes, definitely. That’s why we work together a lot, collaboratively.
– How/when did you start this job?
I actually started “bfgf” while I was still in Chicago, but it was definitely like a beginning phase. I was still trying to figure out what kind of work I wanted to make, as well as how I wanted to make it. I wasn’t sure of what I wanted to do exactly after graduating college. I studied photography in college, but I always struggled with it. When you are taking a photo, you can’t necessarily control the perspective of what’s actually there. I was never able to create that perfect image in my mind. There was always some restriction. But when I started drawing and painting, it was a revelation that I am capable of making whatever I want to make. There is no restriction or perspective or size…or anything like that. I felt super inspired when I got to LA, and things fell into place somehow. That’s how “bfgf” became my full time career.
– What made you move to LA?
When we were living in Cincinnati, Dan would come to LA a lot for work because they would shoot all their Winter catalogue stuff in LA because the weather is always so nice. So they would shoot there an year in advance, and I would get to come here for month at a time for to
just explore and hung out and surely liked it. And we wanted to pursue something more creative. It just seemed like the place to start. We have friends here and it was just beautiful. We just kind of like took a risk, too.
– Is it easier to do what you wanna do in LA?
Yes, definitely. Starting a job in LA was definitely a scary leap to make, but I felt like “I’m gonna go for it”, you know. If you have passion about what you really want to do, and work really hard, you can make anything happen.
-I bet you have a chance to meet a lot of designers and artists since you have a studio in Chinatown. Do you get inspired by them?
Not even just Chinatown, but there are so many wonderful artists all over LA, and there’s a strong community, where I am inspired and pushed to do better.
It’s very inspiring to see people do what they love, but at the same time, I feel like I’m more inspired by my own work, nature, modern art I see at museums, architecture, sculptures, and even by the food I eat. I love the community the artists in LA have built because it is easy to do collaborations.
– You said you like traveling, but where have you traveled recently?
We went to Baja in Mexico recently. It’s takes three to four hours by car. They make lots of different wines, and the architecture there is beautiful. It’s refreshing, so it’s the perfect place to go to if you want to get away from the city for a couple of days. We also go to the desert pretty often. That’s just a 2 hours drive from here, so it’s like day trip, you know.
-What do you like about LA?
I like LA because nature is always accessible, even though it’s a big city. It only takes one or two hours drive to get to the forest, the desert, the ocean, and the lake. Having a lot of natural resources like those, motivates you to work hard and do what you love. There are beautiful museums like The Getty Center and Hammer Museum. There’s independent galleries like the Ochi Project as well. There’s always good exhibitions being held. I did a solo show there as well last year.
– Do you have any recommendations in LA?
Besides the museum, I really like this restaurant called “KAZUNORI”. They serve hand rolls that are made with warm rice, which is really rare. The hand rolls they make are really simple, but amazing! I think it’s an affiliated store of Sugar Fish, which is a sushi restaurant. It’s located in the downtown area, and it’s also walking distance from one of my favorite book store, “ LAST BOOKS”. I mostly cook when I am at home, but I eat out more for experience when I am traveling. For me, the experience of “eating” leads to inspirations.
– Any future plans?
I’m having my first show in Tokyo at the end of September. Everything I’m showing there will be new work, including oil pastel (kind of like oil crayon) works.
都市で暮らす女性のためのカルチャーWebマガジン。最新ファッションや映画、音楽、 占いなど、創作を刺激する情報を発信。アーティスト連載も多数。
ウェブサイト: http://www.neol.jp/
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