『KILLING TECHNOLOGY』 BUSY P(Pedro Winter), Melchior Tersen, and Nicolas Poillot Interview

Justiceを擁するEd Banger RecordsのオーナーであるBUSY P。彼が立ち上げたHead Banger Publishから、フォトグラファーMelchior Tersenによるアートブック『KILLING TECHNOLOGY』がリリースされた。メタルのパッチ、そしてそれらをコラージュしたハンドメイドのジャケットを纏った若者たちなどをMelchiorが独特の視点と熱量で切り取り、Etudes StudioのNiclolas Poillotがスタイリッシュにまとめあげた、メタルファンならずとも唸らせられる実にクールな1冊だ。サイイングのためにBonjour Records THE PARK・KING GINZAを訪れた3人に、Ed Banger Recordsのレコードを愛してやまないDJ/トラックメイカーのLisa Chrisがインタビューを試みた。
BUSY P「まあね。僕はガールフレンドがいるから、彼女といる時は彼らから離れてるけど(笑)、Melchiorは写真撮影で忙しいし、僕はずっと旅をしている。皆忙しいんだよ。NicolasもEtudes Studioのパブリッシング、ヴィジュアルの仕事で忙しいしね。Etudes Studio、知ってる? パリのファッションブランドで、僕も大好きなんだよね。あのブランドのヴィジュアルとコンセプトが好きなんだ。だから、Nicolasをアート・ディレクターに選んだ。今回の本をプロデュースをする時にアイデアがありすぎたんだけど、彼が全てを上手く消化させて、本に落とし込んでくれたんだ」
ーーDo you guys hang out?
B: Yeah but I have a girlfriend. So I stay away when I want to be with my girlfriend. Haha. But Melchoir is doing a lot of photography and I’m traveling a lot. So we all are busy. Nicolas is doing all the publishing, and visuals for Etudes Studio.
B: Yeah. Do you know Etude Studio? It’s like a fashion brand in Paris. I like the brand. I like the visual and the concept. So when we produced the book, I needed a art director because I had too many ideas. But Nicolas took all of them and digested to the book.
N: I organized.
B: Yeah. (showing the book)
ーーDo many kids in Paris wearing these kind of style?
N: No. At festivals or something like that, yes. But not on the street.

BUSY P「この本の魅力か……この本のタイトルは『KILLING TECHNOLOGY』っていうんだけど、この名前が気に入ってる。Voivodっていうバンドのソング・タイトルからつけているんだけど、このタイトルには、自分たちが今の時代になっても”ホンモノ”をプロデュースしている、という意味を込めている。今の時代、音楽は使い捨て、本やマガジンも使い捨てみたいな生産のされ方をしている。だから僕の出版社では、僕が音楽でやっているのと同じように、新しいアーティストたちをフォローして、彼らに何か実質的でリアルなプロジェクトをクリエイトする機会や可能性を与えているんだ。特に今回のようなプロジェクトに関しては、すごくビッグなものを作りたかった。この本は500ページ以上あって、すごく重いんだ。辞書とまでは言わないけど、この中に詰まっているものはホンモノでありながら、且つミニマルでもある。文字もないから、世界の全ての人が理解することが出来るし、自分なりの解釈が出来る内容でもあるんだよ。この本を作ったのは、それが目的だったんだ」
Melchior「それに、本って自分たちよりもずっと長く残るものだろ? 僕たちが死んだって、本は生き続けるからね」
BUSY P「そうそう」
ーーWhat do you like about the book?
B: What I like is… The name of the book is ” KILLING TECHNOLOGY”. I like the name. The name is from a song by a band called Voivod. But the name means that we’re still producing the real stuff. Because today, music is disposable, books are disposal, and magazines are disposal, too. So with my publishing company, like what I do with music, I want to follow new artists and give them possibilities to create contrite and real projects. And for this kind of project, we wanted something big. It’s more than 500 pages. Heavy. Like, not a dictionary but there’s not like, it’s real, and still minimal. There’s no text so everybody understands, and can have their own interpretation. That’s why I wanted to make a book.
M: And also, books will live longer than us. When we’re all dead, book will be still alive.
B: Yeah.
N: You can read 5 minutes on subway. And then you can put it on a table and open it one month or one year later again. And every time you open it, you get new inspiration and new information. That’s why I like the idea to make an oversized book. It’s extreme. It’s a risk but makes something special.

BUSY P「そう。僕は、ただアートとしての目的だけで作られたアートは好きじゃない。僕が好きなアートは、何かメッセージが込められたものなんだ。ちょっと民主化されたもの。それが僕が思うアートだね。メタルのファンじゃない人たちでさえもこの本を面白いと思ってくれたら、それが嬉しい。皆それぞれが様々なことに興味があるから、僕たちはそれをシェアすることが出来るんだしね」
BUSY P「500ページ全部だな」
ーーIt’s an art.
B: Yeah. i don’t like art when it’s just for art. I like art which talk about things. A little democratization.
That’s what I think. If people who are not a fan of metal get interested in this book, it’s good. Everyone is interested in different things but we can share.
ーーIs it 100% your idea?
M: The project, yes. But the book is team work. If made it alone, maybe it would have been different. Not as good and beautiful. I wouldn’t be here in Japan and talking to you.
ーーSo working as a team is totally different from working on your own?
M: It’s a different style. It was my first time to work with other people. It’s a great experience. I’m happy.
ーーDid you discover anything new through working with other people?
M: Yeah sure. I progressed. I expanded my territory. I’m usually a lonely artist (laughs), so this was the first time for me to open the door to the world. Working with Nico was like lighting fireworks one after another because we had so many ideas. It was crazy but it was also pleasure to work with someone. I’m the one who published the book but I’ll but the book because I’m the no.1 fan of the work.
ーーIs there any favorite page of yours in this book?
M: It’s too hard to choose.
B: All 500 pages.
M: Yeah.
N: The whole book talk about culture.

——(Busy PとNicolasへ)あなたたちもメタルからインスパイアされていますか?
BUSY P「そうだね。特に80年代にMTVで流れていたメタルからはインスピレーションを受けているよ。メタリカとか、ガンズ・アンド・ローゼスとか。90年代初めには、スケボーをやっていたから、もっとパンクロックにハマり出した。サウンドは違うけど、世界は同じだと思う。最初に音楽を好きになって、それからスケボー、そしてもちろんグラフィックにハマっていった。
ーーWhen did you get into metal music or style?
M: High school. My brother was a guitar man. As for me, I don’t play instruments and I’m really crap at a lot of things. But you can make something and it’s possible. My friends and I were taking pictures at metal shows. So I’ve discovered the metal culture and photography at the same time. It wasn’t like I decided to make a metal project. It always happened naturally.
ーー(to P and Nicolas) Does metal inspire you guys as well?
B: Yeah. All the metal culture especially the end of the 80′s like on MTV shows. such as Metallica and Guns N’ Roses. Then early 90′s, I went into a bit more like punk rock because I was doing skateboarding. That’s different type of sound, but still in the same world. First, I liked the music, and then skateboarding, then of course graphic.
I wasn’t so much into metal or mosh. But I liked the visual and the intensity. For example, Misfits. I’m not a big fan of Misfits. But I like their philosophy and I could wear the Misfits T-shirt. I don’t need to prove that I know all of their music. In this book, a lot of hip hop kids are wearing Slayer T-shirts.
They might not know Slayer music but I don’t judge. If they want to wear the T-shirt, that’s cool. So this book is not only for specialists or heavy metal fans. I think this is going to be attached to different people. Boys, girls, and people who don’t know anything about heavy metal. But maybe they see this book, get to know about Misfits, and go spottily to listen to their music. This book could open their door to metal.
N: I’m not pretty into metal. When I was a teenager, I was more into rap music. But I really like the esthetic of metal. It’s crazy and detailed. You just discover new things everyday. Every type of music has its own esthetic in a way, and I think metal totally has it. And it expands fashion and visual.

BUSY P「フランスの音楽シーンでもう20年の間DJをやってるけど、もし退屈したり、全てをやりきったと感じてしまっては、僕はもぬけの殻になってしまうだろうね。東京にだってもう15回来てるけど、初来日の時と同じくらい今回だって興奮してる。つまり、興奮が人生のカギなんだ。あと、愛のカギでもある。もしガールフレンドの目から興奮が消えてしまっていたら、それは良くない兆候だね(笑)。
BUSY P「”QLF”かな。”Only The Family”(家族だけ)って意味なんだけど、フランスのラップ・デュオ、PNLがよく歌っている言葉なんだ」
BUSY P「そうそう、Ed Bangerにとって、今はすごくエキサイティングな時期なんだ。来年は14周年のアニバーサリーを祝うし、今年はビッグ・イヤーで、Breakbot、Cassius、Mr.Ozio、そしてJusticeのリリースがあった。それに、新しいEd Bangerのコンピも作っているし、個人的にはBUSY Pのレコードも仕上げているところなんだよ。楽しい年になるだろうね」
ーーHow do you guys keep the passion from high school alive?
B: I’ve been DJing in French music scene for 20 years. If I got bored or felt I’ve done everything, I’ll be dead. I’ve been 15 times in Tokyo but I still get excited as I felt on the first time. So excitement is the key of life. And the key of love as well. If you’re with your girlfriend and don’t see excitement in her eyes, it’s not a good sign (laughs).
There’s no recipe or secret. I was born this way. I think that passion, generosity, and enjoying what you do, and being free to do what you want, belongs underground culture. I feel we’re part of subculture. I don’t care about mainstream. Being underground is just being able to whatever you want. When my company decides to make a book like this, we don’t think about money. We just say let’s make it the best. We’re losing money but we don’t care. Because at night when we go to sleep we have this book and I can feel this is the best book and we made it.
ーー What is the hottest slang in France at this moment?
B: I’d say QLF, which means “Only The Family”. There’s a french rap duo called PNL, and they keep singing QLF.
N: Now is a great time for French rap. They’re famous in the states too. It’s crazy.
ーーJustice’s new album is coming. What is next?
B: Yes. It’s really exciting time for Banger because next year we’re celebrating our 14 anniversary. And this year was a big year because We had Breakbot, Cassius, Mr. Ozio, and Justice. So really exiting. And we’re working on the new Ed Banger compilation, and I’m finishing Busy P’s record as well. It’s gonna be fun.

Melchior Tersen
Nicolas Poillot
photo Wataru Fukaya
interview Lisa Chris & Ryoko Kuwahara
edit & text Ryoko Kuwahara
- 生活・趣味
- 『KILLING TECHNOLOGY』 BUSY P(Pedro Winter), Melchior Tersen, and Nicolas Poillot Interview

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