「Nattofranco」Noemie Aiko Sebayashi Interview

NeoL Magazine JP | Model: Louïs Rault 渡邊 | Photo: Palden Macgamwell | Fashion Designer: Noemie Sebayashi | Interview/Text: Lina Hitomi

NeoL Magazine JP | Model: Louïs Rault 渡邊 | Photo: Palden Macgamwell | Fashion Designer: Noemie Sebayashi | Interview/Text: Lina Hitomi
——自分のブランドに使用するモデル(ミュゼ)はどうやって探しているのですか? ヘアメイクや写真家はどうやって決めていますか?
ノエミ「“OPENING CEREMONY US”と“SOOP SOOP Toronto”で販売しています。あとは、お客様のほうから欲しいというメールをくれるんです」
ノエミ「『Vice』はとても好きです。Fip FMというラジオも心地良くて好き」
ノエミ「FILAやphat farmのような象徴的ブランドとぜひやってみたいですね、そのときまだあるなら」

NeoL Magazine JP | Model: Louïs Rault 渡邊 | Photo: Palden Macgamwell | Fashion Designer: Noemie Sebayashi | Interview/Text: Lina Hitomi
ノエミ「ヤング・サグなど、日本のラップがどんどん好きになっています。GOKU GREENやCali Girlsも最近好きになりました」
ノエミ「パリで6月に行われるファッションウィークに向けてROKU SS17のラフをしているところです」
NeoL Magazine JP | Model: Louïs Rault 渡邊 | Photo: Palden Macgamwell | Fashion Designer: Noemie Sebayashi | Interview/Text: Lina Hitomi
NeoL Magazine JP | Model: Louïs Rault 渡邊 | Photo: Palden Macgamwell | Fashion Designer: Noemie Sebayashi | Interview/Text: Lina Hitomi
パリ出身のノエミ アイコ セバヤシによるブランド。クリエイティヴ・プロセスとイメージは日本とハーフである出自に大きな影響を受けている
Natto Francoのモデルに起用されるなど、ファッション界で人気を集めつつあるモデル、ルイス・ラウルト・ワタナベとは?
My name is Louïs Rault Watanabe, I’m 22 and I am half-French, half-Japanese.
I’ve been raised in Paris my whole life, and started to come in Tokyo by my own when I was 17 years old.
I get my scientific graduation in Paris and decided to move to Tokyo, at the age of 19.
I doing back-and-forth, Tokyo-Japan.
My mom is an artist, Cameraman, oil painting, illustration, sculpture..
And my Dad (that I didn’t see for ten years) was a reporter photographer.
So I guess that, seeing a lot of images in my young age helped me to have a form of taste.

NeoL Magazine JP | Model: Louïs Rault 渡邊 | Photo: Palden Macgamwell | Fashion Designer: Noemie Sebayashi | Interview/Text: Lina Hitomi
Q1. Can you tell us about yourself?
I’m Noémie Aiko Sebayashi,.fashion designer, half-Japanese, half-French. 25, been studying 2 years of fashion school, I’m based in Paris.
Q2. Can you tell us about your Brand NattoFranco?
My brand represents my two halves French and Japanese. I started at the end of 2013, I developed street wear garments. I started with white tee and prints, selling the clothes online though my shop.
Q3. How did you come up with name?
I wanted to create a unique word to deceive two identities, natty was Japan, Franco the french side.
Q4. What was your inspiration?
I’m inspired by my father’s background, his books, by Japan, libraries and streets, by anime movies, 80’s photography.
Q5. Were you always into Fashion? Why do you make?
I wanted to design gardens when I was very young, but decided to go to fashion school instead.
Q6. Can you tell us about your new collection SS16? FW16? Concept, Material, Feelings, color etc. Why “Rose icon” is used?
SS16 is about gymnastic symbols, and cigarettes, graphic; I wanted to create new gymnast silhouettes with contemporary touches. The rose is a strong symbol, I felt nostalgic of emo bands I was listening to when I was a teenagers where roses were used a lot.
Q7. How do you usually find the models (Muse) for your brand? Hair & make up? Who does the styling? How do you select photographer? Who is a current “Muse/Prince?”
I usually like to scout on instagram, its nicer and more personal, I like to be friends with my muses. I have photographer friends who I usually shoot with the cookbooks same with beauty and styling.
Q8. Who is buying your brand mainly? How people are finding you?
Mainly Opening Ceremony US and Soopsoop Toronto. They email me.
Q9. How do you usually come up with Lookbook idea? The feelings if you are to say in a word.
I like to build the idea for LB during the process of collection, like casting is a good example, I like to project the lookbook already when I design and collect fabric.
Q10. Can you describe the day of lookbook shoot?
We start early, the set is ready by the day before so we just arrive all together then we start shooting the clothes until late, aha.
Q11. What kind of magazines, media are your daily must check?
I like Vice a lot. I like radio Fip FM is cozy.
Q12. If there is any collaboration opportunity, what brand do you wanna work with? You can say multiple brand names.
I would love to collaborate with iconic brands like Fila, Phat Farm if they were still there.
Q13. You are Japanese half, how do you feel about that? Tell us about your recent visit in Japan, hang with Kiko etc.
I went to crazy parties in Shibuya to walking in the morning to unreal places, I had the best time. I want to come back so soon I hope in October..
I felt more home there for a bit, because being half is weird thing when you think much of it, you don’t fit anywhere, while I was in Tokyo I met many half who works in the fashion industry I found it very interesting.
Q14.What do you think of Japanese girls in Japan?
Currently I feel there different kinds of Japanese girls, the traditional Japanese girl wants to get married in a country where boys don’t care of girls, the other is more mind free, plays with her style, and feel in a in between Japanese system and the rest of the world. But it’s hard to define what is to be a Japanese woman today, especially when you are half, you can only define it individually.
Q15. Who is your favorite photographer?
Monika Mogi, Estelle Hanania, Brianna Capozzi, Lea Colombo.
Q16. What is “Fashion” to you?
It’s the industry. An industry with rules, it’s interesting to break them.
Q17. What’s youth culture today to you?
Youth culture is inspiring, especially with internet.
Q18. What’s Internet to you?
It’s a very easy and interesting tool for communication.
Q19. Where do you think the trend comes from today?
It’s exciting, but not getting revolutionary neither, I like that streetwear is getting more credit in the luxe industry.
Q20. How do you promote your brand?
With magazines, email, and instagram
Q21. What kind of music you listen to? Name of band / artist?
Young Thug, I like Japanese rap more and more lately, I found out about Goku Green – Cali Girl.
Q22. How do you find the information usually?
Via Facebook or instagram or radio.
Q23. What do you think you will be doing in 5 years? Near future?
Hopefully still developing my brand, collaborate with other companies.
Q24. Any news or highlight you want us to note about? The latest news on Nattofranco?
I am roughing ROKU SS17 for June’s fashion week in Paris.
model Louïs Rault 渡邊
photo Palden Macgamwell
fashion Designer Noemie Sebayashi
interview&text Lina Hitomi
photo edit Lina Hitomi

都市で暮らす女性のためのカルチャーWebマガジン。最新ファッションや映画、音楽、 占いなど、創作を刺激する情報を発信。アーティスト連載も多数。
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