AngryBird wins Evo 2023 Street Fighter 6!

AngryBird wins Evo 2023 Street Fighter 6!

The EVO Championship Series 2023 (EVO 2023), a fighting game festival, took place from August 4-6, 2023. On the final day of the tournament, AngryBird (@FGC_Angrybird) from the United Arab Emirates won the Street Fighter 6 final to take the championship!

Street Fighter 6 Evo Champion is AngryBird!

ストリートファイター部門表彰式Street Fighter – Award Ceremony – EVO公式X

AngryBird won the Street Fighter final on the final day of the tournament.
AngryBird faced MenaRD (@_MenaRD_), the winner of CAPCOM CUP IX, for the championship in the Grand Final.
They didn’t give up a step. The match became a fierce battle that went all the way to a full round.

優勝を決めた瞬間The Moment That Won the Championship – YouTube

MenaRD, who had won the first three battles, reset the Grand Final and made a push, but AngryBird’s KEN was able to withstand the onslaught of MenaRD’s LUKE and BLANKA to win the tournament.

AngryBird won first place out of 7,000 players and will compete in the CAPCOM CUP X. The matches held at EVO 2023 are being archived on the Capcom Fighters JP YouTube channel and on Twitch.
You can not only watch the moment when AngryBird won the championship. You can also watch many great games!



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Saiga NAK

Saiga NAK



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