ひどい先生の話を聞かせてください 「このクラスの半分は刑務所行きだな」
Let’s hear some shitty teacher stories, go off pic.twitter.com/LSMNryfLCB— loves domino (@WITHEREDBONNIEZ) January 9, 2020
// nsfwmy gym teacher got caught watching porn in the locker room and he has taken pictures of girls changing but they didn’t fire him bc they couldn’t afford a replacement— yoni (@S4HDM4DH1) January 9, 2020
My 9th grade English teacher told me I would never make it as a writer as I had no talent & should give up. 20 years later he sent in a spec piece to the magazine I was the Arts Editor for. I sent him a lovely personalized rejection letter.— Elizabeth Weitz (@ebethhasissues) January 13, 2020
Upon hearing my Dad had died 2 years earlier in his bed of status epilepticus and his heart issue, a Religious Instruction teacher told my 8-yo self and my entire class that "people who die in bed go to Hell."Apparently 'cause dying in bed makes one "slothful"!— D. Robert Digman: Certified Practising Leftard (@d_digman) January 12, 2020
A white substitute looked at my automotive class and said “I can tell about half of you are gonna end up in jail.” My class was half white, half black/Latino. I smiled when I heard he died— Black Noir (@delasouloist) January 15, 2020
Ugh… I had an English teacher tell me that I would never get an “excellence” for my essays because English is my second language. pic.twitter.com/c06MRZiBuk— Carolle Varughese (@cazvarughese) January 14, 2020
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