ディズニーCEO SW最新作鑑賞が“間に合わない”家族のために上映会をプレゼント! マーク・ハミルも反応

Disney has granted a dying "Stars Wars" fan's wish to watch "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" with his young son ahead of its release date, after responding to an appeal from the hospice where he is being treated. https://t.co/cz3ybhhmPT— CNN (@CNN) November 30, 2019
Can you help? We have a patient who's a HUGE #StarWars fan. Sadly, time is not on his side for the 20th Dec. His wish is to see the final Star Wars film #RiseOfSkywalker with his young son. If you know ANYBODY who might be able to make it happen, please share with them. Thank you— Rowans Hospice (@RowansHospice) November 26, 2019
Please provide me with the necessary details and we will certainly try.— Robert Iger (@RobertIger) November 27, 2019
This morning, a very nice man named Jonathan from Disney turned up at our Hospice with a laptop that had a very important movie on it. Our amazing patient has now seen #StarWars #Rise Skywalker with his son Full statement here:https://t.co/6KWl8jQHj1 pic.twitter.com/gfgxRXPeoe— Rowans Hospice (@RowansHospice) November 29, 2019
On Wednesday we threw a Star Wars themed party for the patient and his family. We were joined by Stormtroopers, wookies and droids and a brilliant time was had by all pic.twitter.com/SDAoUDIsXq— Rowans Hospice (@RowansHospice) November 29, 2019
Many thanks to @RobertIger & everyone at @Disney for making this happen! Hope the Rowan Hospice patient not only enjoyed the film, but gets an extra-special satisfaction in knowing he saw it before I did. https://t.co/qpECeomcCX— Mark HoHoHoHamill (@HamillHimself) November 29, 2019
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