14 Issue : LRS “縫い物が好きで、14歳の頃には従姉妹のために服を作っていました”
進路が少しずつ重きを増してきて、身体も気持ちも毎日少しずつ変化する14歳の頃、いま楽しく仕事したり生活している先輩たちはどんなことを考えて、どんなことをしていたんだろう。そんなファイルを作りたいと始まった「14歳」特集に、NYのアーティストたちが参加。「New York New Work(NYNW/2019年3月にルミネゼロで開催されたNYのデザイナーたちによるアートエキシビション)」のため来日を果たしたLRSが登場。8歳から裁縫を始めた彼のそばには常にファッッションがあったという。
Raul「自分のブランドのためにもデニムはたくさん作りますよ。キャリアの一番初めはロサンゼルスで、その後NYに移り、もう少しハイエンドなデザイナーを目指すことにしてProenza Shoulerで仕事をしました。そこでReady to Wearや服の仕立て、レザーワークなどを手がけて、力をつけることができたんです。今一番自信があるのはレザーワークとデニムで、今でも自分の作品の中でデニムの占める割合は大きい。プリントデニム、伝統的な色落ちさせたインディゴ、もっとハイファッションのもの、全部含めてのデニムで、それが変わらないものですね」
–Can you tell us about your concept for this exhibition?
Raul : Yeah, when we were reached out about being in the show and they told us it was a dining room, I wanted to have a traditional New York dining party. I feel like a lot of New York comes with a lot of identities and cultures so we wanted to make a really wild, crazy dining room experience. So the way we built the room was to create a maze where you’re able to walk around the imagery and sort of have an idea of a really wild tea, someone just holding plates, just a crazy dining room experience. Almost like the idea of Beetlejuice, the movie.
–The maze included, the exhibition is very interesting in the way that it includes many different perspectives. Did you think of this concept before coming here?
Raul : It was before coming here. The photos were specifically shot for the project, so we prepared about 2 months in advance. Because I didn’t want to have a traditional table setting, I thought it would be best to have it be confrontational where there are people, and that’s why we put them at eye-level as well.
–So you started out doing denim, but I think you have been taking on a completely new approach since you started your own brand. What’s something that hasn’t changed even since you started your brand?
Raul :I still do a lot of denim for my own work, but I started in denim in L.A. and then moved to New York and I wanted to work for a high-end label designer. I got a job with Proenza Schouler which helped me to evolve in my ready-to-wear, in my tailoring, my leatherwork, I think one of my strongest focuses right now is leatherwork and denim. Denim is still a big part of what I do, whether it’s printed denim, or traditional washed-in indigos, but in more high-fashion cuts.
Raul「今の仕事にはそこまで反映されていません。7 For All Mankindというコンテンポラリーデニムブランドで働いてた頃はもっとコマーシャルで、標準化されたデニムのデザインをしていました。型取りという部分などでは関係していると思いますが、今のブランドはもっとワイルドでデニムのコンセプトとはかけ離れているから」
Raul「去年あたりにリリースされた映画?まだ観れてないんです!でもMartine Margielaは大好きです。最近は働いてばかりで時間がなくて。We Margielaの話ですよね?」
–Do you think the style of when you were working on denim still influences your design work right now even though its high-end?
Raul :No, I don’t think so. I think that it helped me structure a business, but I was working for a contemporary denim brand, 7 For All Mankind, and so it was a much more commercial, standardized idea of working with denim. I don’t do that in my work, my denim tends to be a little wilder and non-conforming to a denim concept.
――I think your ideas are so interesting for all of your collections – What is the process like for you, from the initial inception of the idea to making it a collection?
Raul : It depends but it takes an average of 4-6 months. I sew most of it myself so it’s a really long process. The conceptualizing, I try to give myself a month, a month and a half to have a path to go to. Again, for me it’s about making the clothes where it evolves into a bigger concept. So I start with maybe a very loose interpretation of how I want to aim for it. And then it evolves as the clothes are being made.
–This is very off-topic, but have you seen the Martin Margiela film?
Raul The one that just came out around last year? No I haven’t seen it yet! I do love Martin Margiela. I didn’t have a chance to see it yet, since I’m constantly working. I haven’t even looked for it online really. It was about the team, We Margiela right?
――Yes! Do you remember when you started to gear towards fashion, or have an interest in the fashion industry?
Raul : My family has always worked in different aspects of the fashion industry, so it’s always been around my life. It never was a moment like, “oh it’s going to happen”. I started sewing when I was 8 years old, so I think when I took it seriously was high school because I started thinking about college and so it just seemed fitting. Obviously I have always had a passion for it, so it was just about honing it down whether I wanted to design or do a different part of it. But designing is definitely my favorite thing.
――I asked because for the April issue, we are doing a feature on thoughts when people were 14 years old. So at 14, you knew you wanted to go into fashion?
Raul : Yeah, I was already making clothes for my cousins. I love sewing and my biggest passion is actually constructing garments. Of course I sketch, but what I find most interesting about the design part is making the actual garments. I think because I started sewing so early and my sisters would sew when I was really young, I would see them sew their entire outfit to go out and I would be like, “I love this!” I already knew that this is what I liked.
――”We Margiela”でもクリエイティヴとビジネスとのバランスについて描かれていたんですが、あなたはこのバランスについてどう考えていますか?
――What kind of fashion were you into when you were 14?
Raul : I think one of the craziest things I made is when we went to the convenience store and got really cheap hair extensions and made a top out of it, haha. It was like all black human hair and then I put it on my cousin, who at the time had blonde hair. I thought it was so creepy and mysterious. She didn’t want to wear it, I forced her to wear it. She was a great person to play around with, she’s super beautiful so it’s great to dress my family and friends. I made prom dresses for 2 of my friends, I like dressing people.
――You were basically born into fashion, but was there something you worked hard at since you decided you were going to become a designer?
Raul : I think finding conceptual work, Margiela for example. I think when I had the comprehension to really understand these works is when I found fashion to be more interesting. I saw clothes as interesting, but the design part of it became a passion when I found conceptual work.
――In” We Margiela”, they talk about the balance between creative and making a business out of it. What do you think of that balance?
Raul : I think it’s really important. I can sit in a room and sew if I’m not going to sell. But it’s really important. I think it’s one of the toughest parts about being a designer. It’s finding the creativity in business.
――I was speaking about this yesterday with the other designers, but business success isn’t about necessarily having a lot of followers. What do you think?
Raul :True. I think it’s all fake, you know. I think it really doesn’t mean anything. Obviously you need people that like your work, but you definitely need more people who want to buy it.
――You’re very independent but have also been successful. Was there a turning point when you felt that you were starting to do well or succeed?
Raul : No I still haven’t, haha. Yet. Working towards it.
――I think there are many fans following you.
Raul :I’m really lucky to have people that like what I’m doing.
――Do you have any future projects that you would like to share with us?
Raul : I wanna take a break… haha. We were focusing to come to Tokyo and make the exhibit as great as we can, so I haven’t really thought that far yet. The next collection is going to come soon but now I was so focused on coming here and getting this done, and when I go back to New York I’ll figure it out haha.
デザイナーの Raul Salis はメキシコで生まれ、ロサンゼルスで育ち、 ニューヨークに拠点を置くマルチ文化人。Proenza Shouler などでキャリアを積んだ後、独特な素材とフォルムを使い、グラフィックデザインでオリジナルのプリントも生み出す多才なデザイナー。
IG: @_l_r_s_
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