14 Issue : Vaquera – Patric DiCaprio, Bryn Taubensee, & Claire Sully “自分たちのファッションにはストーリーがあってほしい。だからキャラクターを作って、ストーリーを描くんだ”
進路が少しずつ重きを増してきて、身体も気持ちも毎日少しずつ変化する14歳の頃、いま楽しく仕事したり生活している先輩たちはどんなことを考えて、どんなことをしていたんだろう。そんなファイルを作りたいと始まった「14歳」特集に、NYのアーティストたちが参加。「New York New Work(NYNW/2019年3月にルミネゼロで開催されたNYのデザイナーたちによるアートエキシビション)」のため来日を果たした、ファッションシーンの気鋭として注目を集めるVaqueraが登場。チャレンジング精神溢れる手作りの作品たち、そして14歳の頃について語ってくれた。
–Can you tell us about your exhibition? The seats are very comfortable.
Patric: Yeah, I think that’s our style. We especially like to make our models really comfortable and make sure they’re feeling what’s going on as well.
Bryn: I think we’re also against the traditional perfection of the fashion industry and having things really rigid and perfect. We’re into more chaotic, natural things.
–This is Japanese futon, correct? Did you go out looking for it here?
Claire : We were working with the people organizing the whole events, and they suggested to have both to mix because we’re American and we’re showing in Japan. So it was cool to have both the Western and Eastern styles
–The idea of charos and breaking the traditional norms of the “perfect” fashion industry can really be seen in all of your past works. Did that concept initially bring you guys together?
Patric : Definitely.
Claire : 100 percent.
Bryn : We all came to New York, we’re all from different parts of the U.S. I’m from Indiana, and they’re very unlike New York and I think we had this idea of New York in our heads that many Americans have so we were excited to come to New York. When we actually moved there and worked in the fashion industry, we were really disappointed by the way things were. So then we wanted to make our idea of what we wanted New York Fashion Week to be.
–Right, it seems like fashion is geared more towards business in New York.
Claire : Definitely, yes.
–Do you think social media has helped you get your ideas out and communicate them better?
Patric : Yeah I think Vaquera wouldn’t be here without social media. We started this with no money, just doing it ourselves and showing in the subway station, and that would never have gotten the same attention 20 years ago. Because of Instagram and online publications, we were able to get our voice out there.
Claire : And internationally too, I think that makes a huge difference. The fact that we’re here in Tokyo has so much to do with our reach on the internet.
–On the other hand, social media can be a blur – How do you balance your creations with the way you present things? Do you ever feel pressured to post something?
Patric: You do feel the pressure, but I think it’s inspiring. I think that we have a lot of new ideas all the time. I think the real challenge is actually making it in time just because we sew everything ourselves in the studio. But I think if we have the capacity to put out 10 collections a year, the ideas would be there but there’s a whole process behind it. People don’t know how hard it is to make clothes because most people outsource everything. So that’s what’s unique about our brand. We want to celebrate the as well as the idea.
Bryn : I think the pressure is more for us to exist within the fashion industry because I think our work is actually really good for Instagram and we make crazy work for New York. For having people buy it, Instagram is less of a struggle. The pressure to create is less of a struggle than the pressure to actually sell and be buyable.
–You mentioned that you create all of your works from the inception of the idea through the actual sewing, but what are your roles?
Patric: I think we all do a little bit of everything. I feel like I’m kind of the chaotic one that brings disorder and creativity in, and everyone balances each other out. Bryn is very organized, keeps everyone in line but is also very creative. And then Claire exists between us and helps balance out the creative side with the super organized side. But like I said before, we all have a hand in creating each garment, creatively as well as organizing.
–So everyone sews?
Patric: Yeah…I’m not that good though. I taught myself from Youtube so I’m still learning but they’re really good haha.
Patric 「3人ともそれぞれ違うと思います。僕はその頃メタルロックのバンドが好きだったので、ロックスターになると思ってた。でも考えてみれば今やってることもバンドに似てるよね? 3人とも自分の得意な分野をやっていて、みんなで一つで。そういう意味ではこんな感じのことをやってる想像はできていました。あとロックっぽいファッションが好きでしたね。爪を黒く塗ったり、そういうルックを真似しようとしていました」
–Well your whole concept is to not have perfection.Anyways, we are doing an April issue on thoughts and feelings of when you were 14 years old. You all gathered in New York to pursue a dream of becoming fashion designers, but did you know you wanted to become a designer at 14?
Patric: I think it’s different for each one of us. When I was 14, I was in a lot of metal bands so I was thinking I was going to be like a rockstar, haha. But what we do, we’re like a band in a way – 3 people who each do their specialty. So in that way I could see it, but fashion was not in the picture yet. I was into the fashion of the rock n roll world though. I used to paint my nails black and have the look.
Claire:I definitely wanted to be in fashion when I was 14. I was dreaming of it for sure. I was always open to other things but I think I always dreamed of doing fashion.
Bryn : I don’t think I wanted to be in fashion at all at that point. When I was younger, I really liked finding used clothing at yard sales but then I went through a phase of not really caring about fashion. I think I wanted to be a paleontologist.
–What made you shift towards liking fashion?
Bryn : I took a class in college in archeology and it seemed boring. I love being hands-on, and that seemed like too much boring work.
――Fossils are actually very cool though.So for the two of you, how old were you when you realized you wanted to pursue fashion?
Patric: I didn’t know it when I was 14 but it was always about the fashion for me. Like I was in bands because I wanted to dress the part, I was obsessed with people like David Bowie – he is a very visual artist. I realized that that’s what I liked, even more than the music. Music still really inspires me but I think it’s easier for me to be creative making clothing and making the visual side of something. It was not until I moved to New York actually, that I decided I wanted to do fashion. I was probably 22 and I’m 28 now. So it was later. I worked for a magazine for fashion, art, music and everything and I just realized that I liked the fashion side.
Bryn : For me I was a very shy person in high school, so my way to express myself was clothing. And from there I got more and more into expressing myself through clothing.
–What sort of clothes did you wear then?
Bryn : 80s, thrift store clothes.
–There are many aspiring designers out there, but can you tell them how you worked hard to become the designer that you are today?
Patric: I think just be true to yourself. Don’t try to do something that you think will be cool that other people will like. As long as you’re expressing yourself and you keep trying to get your name out there, I think people will respond to it. It’s the people who try to cater to the fashion industry or cater to a certain type of person that isn’t like them that don’t end up succeeding. Because it is challenging to make clothes, maybe you’re different than what is happening in the industry, but as long as you feel proud of you I think people will respond to it.
Claire : I think anything that you do genuinely with your complete self, people will respond to. I think being genuine is really important.
Patric「次のプロジェクトはNYのMoMA PS1で劇をやります。面白いと思うよ。オズの魔法使いのキャラクターを描いた劇なんだ。オズの魔法使いをテーマにしたわけではなく、劇を通してキャラクターやストーリーがどう服と繋がるかを見たかくてやりました」
Patric「うわあ! グラフィックデザインが大好きなので難しい質問だなあ。スクリーモやエモが好きだったので、その頃はMy Chemical Romanceとかかな。今は選ぶのが難しい。2000年代のグラフィックデザインっておもしろいですよね。Cradle of Fifthもすごく良いロゴで大好きです」
–By the way, I think wanting to do something and actually successfully pursuing it as a career is a little different but from what point did you start to confirm that you are successfully running a business?
Claire : It’s definitely a constant struggle because you have the press and a lot of attention, and people will assume that when you have that you’re successful financially too. I think that we’ve reached a huge level of success in terms of people paying attention, but I think we’re still getting there. It’s kind of about to happen.
Patric: I think we had the confidence from the beginning. I used to do this alone in my bedroom, but even from the beginning I was like “I’m gonna do this”. I think that if you don’t believe that you’re going to be Coco Chanel, or whoever, you won’t make it. You have to have that confidence in yourself to get there, and I think each of us has that. We really believe in what we do, and we always have or else we wouldn’t be dedicating our lives to it.
To go back to the advice to those out there who want to be designers, I think definitely seek peers. I know that a lot of people work alone, but I think having the 3 of us is really encouraging. Having your stylist be your friend and making strong relationships gives you support, and it makes a really big difference and helps you stay up.
–Even the famous director, Akira Kurosawa, said that three arrows don’t bend. One could, but with three you will never bend.
Patric: This is an American saying, but they say “it takes a village” and that it takes a group of people to really do it.
――I think young people are encouraged by you three, and hearing that you can do fashion with an idea whether you have a place to show or not or whether it be at a subway station.
–Are there any upcoming news you would like to share with us?
Patric: Our next project is at MoMA PS1. In April we’re putting on a play, it’ll be cool. It explores the characters in the Wizard of Oz.
Claire : I think for us it’s not so much about the Wizard of Oz necessarily. We wanted to do a play and explore characters and the storyline in one and see how our clothes function within a new context.
Patric: And have fashion as storytelling, not just fashion in sales. So I think what we do is creating characters and a story. It’s not so different than a play.
–Lastly I want to ask a personal question – What is your favorite metal band logo?
Patric: OMG ! I love graphic design, so that’s a really hard one for me. I was really into screamo emo, maybe like My Chemical Romance from that era. Now it’s too hard to say. But I love graphic designs from the 2000s, it’s really funny. Cradle of Filth has a great logo too. I love them.
Claire : Nice Question!
text & edit Ryoko Kuwahara
Vaquera (ヴァケラ)
2013 年に立ち上がったNY拠点の注目ブランド。DIY 精神の感じられる依存の価値観にとらわれないところや、ドラマチックな ストーリー性をはあんつコレクションが魅力。現在は 3人体制で常に新鮮な驚きを与えてくれる、今後の動きに目が離せないブランド。
IG: @vaquera.nyc
- 生活・趣味
- 14 Issue : Vaquera – Patric DiCaprio, Bryn Taubensee, & Claire Sully “自分たちのファッションにはストーリーがあってほしい。だからキャラクターを作って、ストーリーを描くんだ”
都市で暮らす女性のためのカルチャーWebマガジン。最新ファッションや映画、音楽、 占いなど、創作を刺激する情報を発信。アーティスト連載も多数。
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