トロント国際映画祭出席のためにトロント滞在中のライアン・ゴズリング 「来店して」というカフェの呼びかけにまさかの本人登場

Good news we are back on twitter cause Monday begins our #ryanneedsgrinder. Come have coffee with us @RyanGosling while you are in town for #TIFF2018 pic.twitter.com/M9ObVsbdhb— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) 2018年9月1日
ライアンのトロント訪問に合わせて、トロント市内のGrinder Coffeeというカフェが「ウチでコーヒー飲んでいってよ」と『Twitter』で呼びかけたところ、実際に本人が来店したことで話題となっています。まずは、ライアンの写真を切り取って作成した立て看板まで作ってアピール開始。
See @RyanGosling we are very dedicated to our campaign. 10 days of posting of why you should have coffee with us. #ryanneedsgrinder #toronto #TIFF2018 @blogTO #coffeetime ##coffeeto pic.twitter.com/iOwnZHfnnQ— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) 2018年9月4日
Day 4 of #ryanneedsgrinder .Real @RyanGosling meet Grinder Ryan. Think of the fun you could have taking selfies with a selfie. If you do you get to be entered into our contest. @idriselba didn't get that treatment #YYZ #TIFF #welovethis pic.twitter.com/8tvUK1c0yq— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) 2018年9月6日
Day 5 of our #ryanneedsgrinder campaign. @RyanGosling we just wanted you to know where we located in the city, next to #gerrardsquare. We figured you may need to pop over to the mall for a few bits and bobs before the big #firstman #tiff premiere. pic.twitter.com/w5gXS1TfCh— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) 2018年9月7日
Day 6 of the #ryanneedsgrinder campaign. Tomorrow is the big #firstman #tiff premiere. We think @RyanGosling you need a Me day to prepare. May we suggest a #matchalatte @GrinderCoffeeTO with a fresh new do @LittleLondonBBR and a massage @pursuit. #beyourbestself #leslieville pic.twitter.com/geYYgogjQE— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) 2018年9月8日
Day 9 of our #ryanneedsgrinder campaign. Perhaps you are lost? Do you need us to call you an #Uber ? You can pay us back when you get here. It only takes 18min to get here so no excuses now. #ryangosling #Toronto #tiff #coffee #gerrardstreeteast #tdot pic.twitter.com/hysK2ZrbF1— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) 2018年9月11日
「もしかして道に迷ってる? Uber呼びましょうか? タクシー代は当店が負担しますよ。(トロント国際映画祭の会場から)当店までは18分しかかかりません。もう言い訳はなしで」とダメ押しの猛アピール。
And this happened… #ryanneedsgrinder worked. The man himself showed up. What a good sport, a well brought up Canadian boy. We truly appreciate Ryan taking the time the time to visit us during #tiff. Take that @idriselba your loss. pic.twitter.com/8rMMWOs32J— GrinderCoffeeGerrard (@GrinderCoffeeTO) 2018年9月11日
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