Optimus Black LG-P970のGingerbreadアップデートが開始

 Optimus Black(LG-P970)の公式Gingerbreadアップデートがようやく開始されました。配信中のビルドはv20bで、アップデート後はAndroid 2.3.4(GRJ22)になります。主な変更内容は以下の通り。「LG Mobile Support Tool」よりアップデートできます。 Improved power management- Viewing multimedia content will require less CPU power- Performance and battery consumption has been optimized to better oversee background functions and control the amount of memory and CPU time being used. This feature also allows users to kill or halt non-responsive applications.  Support for more powerful graphics to allow for an enhanced mobile gaming experience  Improved UI to enable faster access and control and a more intuitive user experience  One-touch word selection and copy/pasteWhen viewing a web page, users can quickly select a word by pressing HOLD, then copying to the clipboard and pasting. Users also can easily adjust the selection area as needed.  Download managementThis feature allows all downloads from browsing, emails and other applications to be easily viewed and controlled from one place. Support for new media formats such as AAC, AVC, MPEG 4 and H263 New features and other improvements- active app management- shortcuts, widgets, icons, app groups- updated calendar options- camerageotagging- better email synching- more precise camera auto-focusSource : XDA

Google、Android用Gmail v4.0.3-239410に”試験運用機能”を追加
NTTドコモがMEDIAS最新作「MEDIAS ES N-05D」を発表、厚さ6.7mmのスリムボディに4.3インチHDディスプレイ・1.5GHzデュアルコアCPUを搭載

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