流麻二果 個展「一葉」開催 /Manika Nagare「 Rivers need Springs」



絡まらぬ Untangling, 2015
Oil on canvas, 130.3 x 97.0 cm



流麻二果はこれまで、日本の自然や、日常ですれ違う他人への興味をテーマとした油彩画を発表し高い評価を得てきた。断片的に織り込まれた主題は、流がもつ類い稀なる色彩感覚をもってやがて抽象的に、大胆かつ繊細に、強く美しく描かれ、鑑賞者の想像力を刺激します。主題と背景が互いに呼応し溶け込むような画面は、キャンバスの質感、そこに染み込む淡い色、多彩な絵の具の重なり、線、輝き、透明感など、様々な要素のレイヤーにより創り出されている。約3年振りの個展となる本展では、新作を中心に、様々なサイズの作品を約10点ほど展示いたします。本展のタイトル「一葉」とは、「一葉知秋」(一枚の葉が落ちるこ とで秋の訪れを察知すること)から引用されている。僅かな兆しから物事の本質を察知する、という意味の通り、一見すると静寂な画面の奥に潜む、作家の想いを想像させるような作品群が発表される。

展覧会初日となる 9月5日(土)には、オープニングイベントとして、作品からインスピレーションを得たコンテンポラリーダンスのパフォーマンスを開催。この機会をお見逃しなく。






流麻二果は1975年生まれ、香川県育ち。1997年女子美術大学芸術学部絵画科洋画専攻卒。2002年文化庁新進芸術家在外研修員、2004年ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員として、アメリカやトルコで作品を発表。類い稀 なる色彩感覚により生み出される、明るく透明感にあふれた絵画が高く評価され、国内外で多数の展覧会やパブリックアートを手掛ける。主な展覧会に『VOCA展』上野の森美術館(2000、2006)、『饒舌な寡黙、寡黙な饒舌』Pola Museum Annex(2006)、『DOMANI・明日』国立国際美術館(2010)、『Line of Sight』Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery, NY(2014)、『絵画を抱きしめて』資生堂ギャラリー(2015)等多数。 また港区立麻布図書館にて、絵画と空間全体の色彩を監修するパブリックアートを手掛けるなど、絵画における空間への挑戦を続けている。アパレルブラ ンドENFOLD、資生堂グローバルブランドにて作品をプリントしたコラボレーションアイテムが今春に登場した。アートに触れる事の少ない子どもたちに アートを届ける非営利団体「一時画伯」発起人。東京在住。

会期: 2015年9月5日(土) – 10月3日(土)
レセプションパーティー: 9月5日(土) 18:00-20:00
開廊時間: 火 – 土 11:00 – 19:00


Part1「絵画との出会い」:7月31日(金)- 8月23日(日)
Part2「絵画に包まれて」:8月28日(金)- 9月20日(日)
会場: 資生堂ギャラリー(東京)

日時: 9月6日(日)14:00~16:00
会場: ワードホール(東京銀座資生堂ビル9階)
定員: 60名
参加費: 無料(お申し込み多数の場合は抽選となります)
お問い合わせ: 資生堂ギャラリー
tel: 03-3572-3901


Yuka Tsuruno gallery presentsRivers need Springs an exhibition of oil paintings by Manika Nagare, from Saturday, September 5th to Saturday, August 3rd 2015.

Manika Nagare has earned high respect from her oil paintings, themed around Japan’s nature and curiosity evoked by strangers that passes by daily. The theme smeared fragmentary with an extraordinary sense of color appears as an abstract, drawn venturously yet subtlety stimulating the viewer’s imagination.
The painting, as though the theme and the background almost respond to each other, is formed by layers of lines, glossiness and transparency stained through the canvas. This first exhibition after three year will show ten new artworks of various shape. The title of the exhibition “ichiyo (One Leaf)” derives from “ichiyouchishu” which expresses the knowing that autumn has come only to see a falling leaf. Understanding the essence of the object by a smidgen of hint; just like it’s meaning, underneath the initial subtleness of the surface, the pieces all convey imagination of the artist’s thoughts.

On the opening day of the exhibition, September 5th (Sat), as part of the opening  event, there will be a contemporary dance performance, which was inspired by the artworks. Please come by for this opportunity.

Artist statement 
Even if I change my appearance with the same thoughts then when I was on the canvas,
the smell will pass through from detail to space.
Nature, sneak with harshness.
Stranger, never be able to capture all.

Stand in front of the canvas.
Like knowing that autumn has come only to see a falling leaf,
one brush, one color, from that glimpse, one understands.
Understand the fragment.
Understand the sense.

Hold an intimate moment with the painting.

Artist Profile
Manika Nagare (born in 1975) was raised in Kagawa. After graduating from the department of painting at Joshibi University of Art and Design, she exhibited her work at the VOCA exhibition, a platform for young emerging artists in 2000 and 2006. Since 2002, she has been an overseas artist-in-residence sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and a recipient of the Pola Art Foundation Grant based in New York, showing her work in the US, Turkey and other countries. With the remarkable usage of colors, her bright and clear paintings are well recognized. Major exhibitions include Glib Reticence, Reticent Glibness, Pola Museum Annex, Tokyo (2006), Domani: The Art of Tomorrow, National Art Center, Tokyo (2010), Line of Sight, Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery, NY (2014) and Embracing for Painting, Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo (2015). Also in the Azabu Minato city library, she has created a public art that supervises the art and the whole environment, challenging herself to create art in the environment. This spring she collaborated with apparel fashion brand ENFOLD and global brand Shiseido and announced it with her collaboration item with her work printed. She also established “Ichijigahaku”, a NPO that delivers art to children who lacks it from their lives. Nagare resides in Tokyo.

Exhibition overview
Nagare Manika, Rivers need Springs
Date: September 5 – October 3, 2015
Opening reception: Saturday, September 5th, 18:00-20:00
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11:00 – 19:00

Opening Event
Date: Saturday, September 5th, 19:00 –
Place: TOLOT (same venue as the gallery)
Choreography & Performance: Anna Irite (Makoto Cluv)
Direction: Makoto Enda (Makoto Cluv)
Planned and cooperated by Chie Sumiyoshi (TRAUMARIS)

Related exhibition
Embracing for Painting
Part1 Encountering Painting : July 31 – Aug 23, 2015
Part2 Surrounded by Painting : Aug 28 – Sep 20, 2015
Venue: Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo

Gallery talk
Date: Sunday, September 6 , 14:00-16:00
Venue: Word Hall (Shiseido bldg. 9fl.)
Capacity: 60
Addmission: Free
Inquiry: Shiseido Gallery
tel: 03-3572-3901

  1. HOME
  2. 生活・趣味
  3. 流麻二果 個展「一葉」開催 /Manika Nagare「 Rivers need Springs」


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