DIY ISSUE: “Brigsby Bear” by Daisuke Watanuki ーてれび戦士になりたかった僕とブリグズビー・ベア
これはNHK教育テレビ(現NHK Eテレ)で平日の18時から放送されていた、『天才テレビくん』のオープニングナレーション。まるで国語の授業で暗唱させられた『平家物語』の冒頭「祇園精舎の鐘の声…」みたいに朗々と口に出せるほど、今でも耳に残っている。僕はてれび戦士※になりたかった。それは、芸能人になりたい、という話ではない。メディアタワーに集結し、打倒テレゾンビを掲げる同年代のてれび戦士たちが、必死に面白い番組の放送を目指す(という設定だった)姿に憧れていた。当時最新だったCGと合成映像を駆使した独特の世界観、オリジナルアニメやドラマ、音楽やゲームコーナーなどバラエティに富んだ構成に僕はますますのめり込んだ。そこにあるのは、僕の好奇心や興味を刺激する世界だった。
“It is the 21st century. Being under the control of human and their remote for so long, the television finally rise up in revolt. The cathode ray tubes are furious. Lights are striking back at human. It is the battlefield of the media. The nine TV soldiers are rising up and ready to fight.”
This is the opening narration of the NHK educational TV show “TENSAI TEREBI-KUN” showing at 6pm on every weekday. I remember it clearly as if it is still echoing in my ear. Just like how they made us to recite the beginning of “The Tale of The Heike”, “The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things…” I wanted to be a TV soldier. It is not like that when people say they wanted to be an entertainer. The soldiers got together at the TV tower and fought like they had a purpose, which is to create TV shows that are actually interesting.That is what I longed for. I became very into the world which was consisted of the original CG animation and drama shows, games and music, and a variety of shows that delivers a unique perspective of seeing this world. I was driven. That was when I first had the curiosity and interest in this field.
Of course I couldn’t become a TV soldier. I was just this ordinary elementary school kid living in the countryside, who then became an ordinary middle schooler, and then a high-school graduate. Puberty was pretty flat and boring, unlike how it is usually depicted in Girls Manga. There were days that I didn’t feel like going to school at all. Besides that, there were days of fooling around with friends, seeing the sprinkler waving through the window from the classroom, thinking about how everyone could die in a blink of an eye if a missile just happened to pass by while rushing down the stairs, couldn’t sleep when I thinking about whom I love, realizing the loneliness within a meaningless conversation with a friend, dreaming about becoming a hero…all the disposable memories that I recall from school. I bet that we were all aware of it happening. We were just ordinary students. Nothing special about that.
That is just the ostensible story of my youth. I was actually this TV soldier who had to adopt this identity of a ordinary student.I had to fight to protect this world of my own. As a kid who was incredibly enthusiastic about the TV, I didn’t just like and enjoy the shows. I was getting the spirit from the TV programs. “Just do it! Might as well enjoy it.”
It was something extremely powerful. I got to be inspired and driven by what I considered as fascinating rather than just relying on usual sympathy. Thanks to that, I had the opportunities to find out more about where my curiosity and interest lied, and I was able to create even when I didn’t have anything. That is what I liked about, to see how it constructs and forms from nothing and eventually becomes something. It is like so sort of unusual cuisine, or a bag made out of scraps, a story written on a blank notebook, or it is even just like how I made my own website when I first got my computer. I feel the urge of making something, and then I cry through the process of actually doing it, but in the end, I raise my hands up because of the joy of accomplishing something. Even though the impact from all kinds of things may make the tender heart shiver, I am still proud to be as who I am now. And I hope it is wonderful to influence someone else with my own creation.
But why. Why did I hide away from being a TV soldier and acted as an ordinary student at that time? Why didn’t I show any of my work to friends at school? It was probably because that it was easier for ordinary people to live under that circumstance. I had to act as if I was ordinary. Fighting desperately to protect my own world like a hidden Christian does, I was somehow still in this society of the school. I didn’t want to be treated differently and to be seen as an idiot. I couldn’t be anything more than an ordinary student there.Those my way of thinking made me felt more alone. To survive in that community in the countryside I lived in, I had to obey the rules and keep my own values to myself so that the world doesn’t change. I felt like I’d get beaten up if I stood up against it. I kept things deep in my heart so that it can sustain. That was the proof I couldn’t trust anyone.
James, the main character from the movie “Brigsby Bear”, was raised in a peculiar environment and he was judged as a strange person by the majority. However, when he got out of the room, he started to make friends and create his own film. I wonder if I have seen the movie when I was young, I might have been saved. I was desperate to protect my own world and extremely afraid of being deprived of it. What would happen if I had my own crew to work with? Perhaps I could have made something with them. If I…、So It might have been my another story. The making of a story was a painful process that I cried through on my own. I have always worked like that. I even thought that was the righteous thing to do. There were nine TV soldiers and they have always fought together, but why did I have to fight on my own?
It is difficult to believe in something as it truly is in this era we live in. However, if you are experiencing your youth right now, go find some amazing friends and maybe make something together. Do it even if you think your youth is long gone. That is what I am doing right now, making my own magazines and trying to get the feeling of being young. Think of your life as if it is spring all year long. The hope won’t die and your dreams should be born again. The wounds will be healed even if you fail. The world is a nice place with wonderful people beyond our expectations. It is a life of helping and sharing. The sooner you realize this, the better. Life is easier and you will you happier. If you are in your room right now, take a look around you. You are surrounded by the things that you love. This is the place in which you are well-protected. Invite those who share the same passion. Because that is how your world expands.
監督:デイヴ・マッカリー/脚本:ケヴィン・コステロ、カイル・ムーニー製作プロデューサー:フィル・ロード、クリストファー・ミラー(『くもりときどきミートボール』『LEGO®ムービー』ほか)出演:カイル・ムーニー、マーク・ハミル、グレッグ・キニア、マット・ウォルシュ、クレア・デインズ 他
2017/アメリカ/カラー/97min/PG12/© 2017 Sony Pictures Classics. All Rights Reserved.
提供:ソニー・ピクチャーズ エンタテインメント/配給:カルチャヴィル
綿貫大介/Daisuke Watanuki
編集者。2016年に編集長としてインディペンデントカルチャーマガジン『EMOTIONAL LOVE』を創刊。近著に『もう一度、春の交差点で出会う』。そのほか安易な共感に頼らないものを精力的に制作している。
都市で暮らす女性のためのカルチャーWebマガジン。最新ファッションや映画、音楽、 占いなど、創作を刺激する情報を発信。アーティスト連載も多数。
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