HIROMIXとNukemeの2人展 「KAWAII未来」


高円寺のFAITHにてHIROMIXとNukemeの2人展「KAWAII未来」が開催中。本展では、HIROMIXによるGIRLY ART PAINTINGと立体作品のほか、Nukemeによる立体作品などを展示。会場での作品の写真撮影も可能となっている。物事の本質を鋭く切り取るアーティストの作品に触れることで、自分の”いま”、そして未来について考える機会を持ってみては。

We will participate a two person exhibition “KAWAII Futuristic” of HIROMIX and Nukeme at FAITH in Koenji this time. In this exhibition, in expression to GIRLY ART PAINTING and SCULPTURE works by HIROMIX, SCULPTURE works by Nukeme are exhibited.You can also take pictures of the work at the gallery.

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2月16日 – 26日 14:00-24:00 Closed: Wed
@FAITH(東京都杉並区高円寺南4-2-10 伊澤ビル/4-2-10, Koenjiminami, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 166-0003, Japan)
Tel: 03-5913-8279
Opening hour:
Clothing party: 2/26 (everyone is welcome)



HIROMIX born in Tokyo 1976.After her debut In 1995, received so many offers for interviews and works from the world, journalists called “Girly photography”, “Kawaii Culture ” which become trend, people recognized the world’s new art photography genre of Tokyo original pop culture.
This trend is reflected for significant economic impact with best recorded of sales camera materials.
She recorded art expressions are radius 5 meter encounter scene of happiness or blue, cheerful atmosphere and bright, include self portrait around her everyday life for naturally, which has contribution is highly evaluated for aesthetic and pure expressions.
Diaristic style snapshot with automatic compact camera by teenage girl artist, such as no one never seen before, it has impact new trend topic all over the world.
Currently such as a symbol of the 90’s Icon, her style snapshots and selfie are impact also inspired for SNS generation indirectly.
In addition to photography, she is active in various genres such as painting, installation, film director, or another.
Based in Tokyo.

1995 canon new cosmos, Grand Prix
1999 Germany Kodak Photo Prize
2001 Kimura Ihei Photography Prize

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1986年生まれ。洋服を根本的なメディアでありコミュニケーションツールであると捉え、他分野の作家との共同制作を積極的に行う。詩人の辺口芳典氏の散文を刺繍した「ヌケメ帽」シリーズで知られ、日本語の詩を帽子の上で発表する、というコンセプトで現在も辺口氏との共同制作を続けている。日本語であることで、グラフィックとしての見た目よりも、言葉の意味が先に目に飛び込んできてしまう、という、ある種の違和感をデザインの要素として扱っている。また、様々なコレクティブに参加しており、Okay, IDPW, gokinjo-monozukuri.org, NukemeBandなど、その活動は多岐に渡る。2012年、ミシンの作動データにグリッチを発生させる『グリッチ刺繍』が第16回文化庁メディア芸術祭エンターテインメント部門審査委員会推薦作品に選出。同作品でARS ELECTRONICA 2013に出展、作品展示とワークショップを行った。デジタルデータのエラーであるグリッチを物質としての洋服に定着させる、という試みはその後、Knitting Machine Hack and Glitch Knitで編み機のハッキングに発展し、デジタルデータで生成された穴だらけのセーターを発表、同作品では海外での展示やワークショップなども行った。コンピュータと人間の間にある、ロスト・イン・トランスレーションな感覚を探りながら、東京を拠点として活動している。
・YouFab 2014 最終選考

Fashion designer / Artist.
Born in 1986. He grasp fashion items as a fundamental medium and a communication tool, and actively collaborate with artists in other fields.His activities are well known as “Nukeme Caps” series. It is a cap embroidered Hengchi Yoshinori’s prose and is working on the concept of expressing Japanese poems on baseball caps.By being in Japanese, we treat a sense of incompatibility as an element of design that the meaning of words jumps into the eyes before the appearance as a graphic.In addition, participating in various collectives, Okay, IDPW, gokinjo – monozukuri.org, NukemeBand and so on, its activities are diverse.In 2012, “Glitch Embroidery” which generation glitch in sewing machine operation data was selected as the jury selections work of the 16th Japan Media Arts Festival. It exhibited at ARS ELECTRONICA 2013, and performed a workshop.Attempts to materialize glitches of digital data have evolved into hacking of knitting machines afterwards.“Knitting machine hack and glitch knit” announced a sweater with a hole created with digital data and held overseas exhibitions and workshops.While searching for a sense of “Lost in translation” between computer and human beings, he is based on Tokyo.
2012 Japan Media Arts Festival, Jury Selections
2014 YouFab 2014, Finalist

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  3. HIROMIXとNukemeの2人展 「KAWAII未来」


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