WOMAN IN LA ISSUE : Interview with Monica Rayes

NeoL_Monica | Photography : Dan Monick NeoL_Monica2 | Photography : Dan Monick

アート、音楽、ファッションーーLAカルチャーが再び注目を集めているなか、NeoLではLAを拠点として活躍する女性クリエイターに焦点を当て、それぞれのキャリアや作品について、そして都市の魅力を聞く小特集を敢行。第三弾はファッションのクリエイティヴ・ディレクター/コンサルタントとして活躍するMonica Rayesピックアップ。

– LAにどれくらい住んでいるの?


– LAではどんな仕事をしているの?


– なぜ今の仕事を始めたの?


– 今の仕事のどんな部分が好き?


– あなたのパートナーである写真家のDan Monickからのアドバイスやアイディアを取り入れたりする?


– LAのどんなところ、またどのエリアが好き?

Monica「Echo Park!なぜなら私が住んでいるから!!!LAの隅々、本当に色んな場所に住んだけど、LAのEast Sideより良い場所はLAの中にないと思う」

– LAのオススメは?

Monica「う~ん、なんだろ、全く分からないな。LAは常に移り変わっているから。でも、習慣から抜け出せない類いの人間の視点でいうと、レストランのオススメは、Echo ParkのSunset Blvd.にある『Sage』、Atwater VillageのGlendale Blvdにある『Viet』かな。大好きなトルコ人の友達が『Viet』で働いてて、たまにラモーンズのプリントTシャツを着てるんだけど、それが何なのかは知らないって言っていたわ(笑)。とても良い場所なの。あと、Atwater VillageのGlendale Blvd.にあるCash Machine Galleryは素晴らしいポップアートの展示会をよくやっているわね。知識として知っとかなきゃいけない類いの場所ね! 同じくGlendale Blvd.にあるAlias Book Storeはこのお店に行かない限りなかなか見つからないコレクターエディションの本がたくさんあるわ。エルセレーノの Alhambra AveにあるNow Shop x Now Space galleryは、大きなアートギャラリーを経営している女性がオーナーなんだけど、ビンテージの家庭用品が店頭にあって、すごくユニークなものを見つけることができるわ」

– どんなものやどんな人からインスピレーションを受けたりするの?

Moncia「ぎこちない、合間の瞬間。窓から差し込む自然の光と影、少し離れた所にある風に吹かれて葉っぱが揺れてるヤシの木々、静かな早朝、マジックアワー(日が落ちた後の数十分程度の薄明の時間)、満月、人間のおかしな行動、長時間のハイキング、砂漠を横切るロードトリップ、基本的に自然とそれに伴って起きる事柄かな。自然の中に存在する孤独は神の声を見つけ出す手助けをしてくれるの。人でいったら、ヨウジ・ヤマモト、柴田あゆみ、川久保玲、イッセイ・ミヤケ、パティ・スミスのようなパフォーマンスアーティスト、Pj Harvey、草間彌生、Kathe Kollwitz、Andy Warhol、Pina Bausch、Nick Cave、The Savages、Dan Monick、Sally Yates、Michelle Obama、Elizabeth Warrenのようなパワーとインスピレーションを与えてくれる女性達」

– 最近何にはまっていますか?

Monica Rayes : http://www.moonreyes.com/

photography Dan Monick
text by commune

– How long have you lived in LA.

I have lived in Los Angeles for about 11 years.

– What do you do for work now?

I work as a Wardrobe Stylist and a Creative Director / Consultant for emerging fashion brands. I also do Marketing and Social Media for other brands, unrelated to fashion.

– How come and when you started to work this job?

I’ve been a Wardrobe Stylist since 2010. This was a total accident and I just kind of kept going. I used to work in a multi-brand showroom in Downtown Los Angeles (2007 or 2008) and a couple years later noticed some of the brand’s potential on being greater than what it was at the time. I then set goals to elevate the brands by producing photo shoots and styling their lookbooks and distributing marketing tools to raise brand awareness and most importantly, bring to the table, another successful season leading up to their next collection. Creative Direction, Marketing, and Social Media soon aligned itself as necessary and intuitive skills for me to hone in on. I always put the brand’s success first before anything, so I needed to do what was best and most efficient for both the brand and the team.

– How / which part do you like about your work?

I love that I get to meet and work with creatives that I admire, and that we share the same love and respect for one another. It keeps me inspired.

– Do you sometimes or often take the idea or advice from your partner (Dan)?

Definitely. All the time. Other times, I have a lot of pride and I can be really stubborn.
I think Dan is an incredible artist, he has this ability to see beauty and humor in unexpected places. I really appreciate that. He’s worked on all levels of production, big or small. So when I enter a black hole of questions, I seek to his advice. Some of the best advice, he always tells me is to “Have Faith” and to “Live in Love”. It’s so simple, yet I sometimes forget about it. Another is to just know what you want and “ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT” .

– Where/What part are you in love with LA?

Echo Park! Because I LIVE THERE!!!!! I’ve lived all. over. Los. Angeles. EVERYWHERE, and there’s no better place in LA than Eastside Los Angeles.

– Any recommends in LA?

Aww shoot, I have no idea, this city changes all the time. But if I must speak from a creature of habit, our go-to kitchen is Sage on Sunset blvd in Echo Park, Viet on Glendale Blvd in Atwater Village — our favorite Turkish friend works there and he sometimes wears a t-shirt with an image of the Ramones on it, he has no idea who they are. It’s amazing. Cash Machine Gallery on Glendale Blvd in Atwater Village always throws some epic pop-up art galleries. It’s one of those places you just kind of have to know. Alias Book Store off of Glendale Blvd in Atwater Village has used collectors edition books that you may not be able to find as easily unless taking a visit to their shop. These days Gallery off of Winston Street in Downtown Los Angeles, are run by this wonderful artist couple who showcases amazing art shows, curated artisanal goods, and collectible copies of books and zines. Now Shop x Now Space gallery in El Sereno off of Alhambra Ave is owned by a powerhouse of a woman who runs a large art gallery space and is an adjacent vintage home-goods store front. Some of the best most unique things are found there.

– How and what kind of things and people do you get inspiration from?

Awkward and in-between moments. Natural light and shadows coming through windows, palm trees in the distance with the wind blowing through its leaves, healthy trees and it’s sound of rustling leaves, quiet and eerie early mornings, magic hour, a full moon, weird behaviors of humans, long hikes, road trips through the desert —- basically — lot’s of nature and the natural behavior that comes with it. Solitude in nature helps me find God’s voice.
Designers like Yohji Yamamoto, Ayumi Shibata, Rei Kawakubo, Issey Miyake. Artists or performing artists like Patti Smith, Pj Harvey, Yayoi Kusama, Kathe Kollwitz, Any Warhol, Pina Bausch, Nick Cave, The Savages, Dan Monick. Empowering and Inspiring women like Sally Yates, Michelle Obama, and Elizabeth Warren.

– What have you been into recently?

Refining my life into a quieter, more focused, and simple livelihood.

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